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4' 9" and between the ages of 8 and 12.

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Q: Until what age does a child have to sit in a booster seat?
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Until what age should a child use a car seat booster?

The age that a child should use a car seat booster is when they are 2 years of age. Some kids need to use them a little bit earlier because weight and height has an effect on how earlier the kids need to use the booster seat.

How big must child be to ride in a booster seat in California?

in all states a child has to be 4foot nine to be out of a booster seat. they can be in a booster sear at any age.

Weight to seat in booster seat?

the weight to sit in a booster seat is...40 pounds AND the age of 4 years, BUT preferably the child is longer.

What age does a child have to be before you can stop using a booster seat?

A child must be at least 25 kilograms or nine years of age before being able to leave the booster seat

What age can a child ride in a booster seat in the front seat in kansas?

10 years

What is the age restriction for the front seat in New York?

There is no age restriction for the front seat in New York. Children, however, must be in the proper child safety seat, harness/vest or booster seat until eight years of age. It is recommended that children sit in the back seat until 12 years of age.

What is the age where you can stop using a booster car seat?

The age in which a child can stop using a car seat or booster seat varies from state to state. In Michigan, the child safety seat law says that a child under the age of eight years old must be in a safety seat unless they are taller than 4' 9.

How old do you have to be to get out of a booster seat in England?

there isnt an age, it depends on the hight of the child :)

What age in Alabama can a child ride in a booster seat?

New laws require a rear-facing car seat for children until at least age 1 and at least 20 pounds. Then a forward-facing car seat until the child is at least 5 years old or weighs 40 pounds. A booster seat is then required until 6 years of age. To follow the law, in Alabama, a child can be no younger than 5 years old and use a booster seat.

What age and weight can a child use a booster seat in New Jersey?

A child that is age 8 or younger and weighs no more than 80 pounds can use a booster seat in New Jersey. Children over the age 8 must use a seat belt.

What are the latest car seat guidelines?

The current guideline is that the child stay rear facing until 2 years old or they outgrow the height and weight requirements for their seat. They must then stay in a forward facing seat or booster seat until age 8.

How old does a child have to be to stop sitting in a booster seat in Michigan?

It is not age but pounds for a child seat. Check with your DMV, but I think it is over 40lb.