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there are two basic methods in family planning. first is the artificial method and the second is the natural method. But the Catholic Church are opposing the use of artificial method in family planing. artificial methods are the following: use of condoms, IUD or intrautirine device, oral pill, injectibles, etc. while the natural method are: Calendar method, withdrawal method and personal control or abstenence.

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Q: What are the different family planning methods in the Philippines?
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The family planning pilot in the Philippines is an example of a health program in the Philippines. The project is a success story as the population has embraced family planning.

Types of family planning?

There are a few family planning methods that a person can chose from. These options are, hormonal methods, IUD's, natural method, barrier method, and permanent methods.

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A reaction paper of a family planning program of the Phil?

The family planning program in the Philippines aims to provide accessible and affordable family planning services to individuals and families. It includes education on contraception methods, counseling on family planning choices, and the distribution of contraceptives. Through this program, the government seeks to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, reduce unplanned pregnancies, and improve maternal and child health outcomes.

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Lack of awareness and family planning programs

What are the posisible conclusion about family planning?

Family planning allows individuals to have greater control over their reproductive health and make informed decisions about when to have children. Access to family planning services can lead to improved maternal and child health outcomes, reduced poverty, and increased opportunities for women in society. Implementing effective family planning programs can help address overpopulation, reduce strain on resources, and promote sustainable development.

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Douching, withdrawal and Natural family planning.

What are the objectives of Family Planning Organization of the Philippines?

The Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) is the largest and most prominent non-governmental family planning organization in the Philippines. Important family planning service delivery models which have been implemented by us, such as the Magdamayan Project (a community-based family planning project) have been replicated by the government. The FPOP's role and programmes are aimed at: ensuring universal access to quality family planning information, education and services to increase adolescent involvement in addressing their sexual and reproductive health concerns to mobilize public support to safeguard the individual right to family planning

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial methods of family planning?

One advantage to using an artificial method of family planning is that they are usually pretty reliable. A disadvantage to these methods are possible side effects.

Why family planning widely practiced in the Philippines?

because of over population

How did Philippines become populated?

Lack of awareness and family planning programs

What are the importance of family planning in community?

The importance of family planning in the community is the prevention of abortion, child abuse, neglect, and poverty. There are many methods of family planning to choose from with varying degrees of effectiveness.