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Q: What are the requirements for a booster seat in South Carolina?
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Do 8 year olds have to sit in a booster?

It depends, as they need to fit the weight and height requirements specified in your vehicle manual, to sit in a seat unassisted. Unless there is a local bylaw requiring people of a certain age, height or weight either to sit in a booster seat, or not in a booster seat.

What is the population per house seat of South Carolina?

According to the US Census, there are 668,669 residents for each South Carolina house seat.

Where can someone buy booster seat law?

One cannot purchase a booster seat "law", but one can purchase a booster seat at various retailers. One can purchase a booster seat at Walmart and Target.

Seats at university of South Carolina?

The WILLIAMS-BRICE STADIUM at the University of South Carolina has a seat capacity of 80,250.

What two states do not have a booster seat law?

There are actually three states that do not have booster seat law, two of these states are Arizona and South Dakota, the third one is Florida, you can find more information online.

How much do you have to weigh to not sit in a booster seat?

sixty pounds to not sit in a booster seat

Are there seat belts in the middle for a booster seat?

no, but you have to connect the seatbelt connected to the actual car to the booster seat. but there is a seat belt in the middle for a car seat.

Should I take my 12 year old out of her booster seat?

Whether or not your 12-year-old needs a booster seat in the car depends upon the laws of your state. Each state seems to have different rules about age/weight/height requirements.

What height do you have to be without a booster seat?

To get out a booster seat you have to be at least 4 feet 9 inches

What kind of ride does the Booster offer?

The Booster offers safe, comfortable rides for someones child. Moving from a car seat to a booster seat still helps the child remain safe, while riding comfortably in the booster seat.

Does she still have to have a booster seat at the age of 9 years old?

You have to check your states requirements for needed height & weight-they don't go by years.

Weight to seat in booster seat?

the weight to sit in a booster seat is...40 pounds AND the age of 4 years, BUT preferably the child is longer.