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At six months, a baby's physical development includes:

rolling from front to back; rolling over if lying on his back

getting herself in a sitting position using her shoulder to pull herself

moving his arms purposefully and holding them up, indicating a wish to be lifted

lifting up her legs to a vertical position

grabbing things with both hands and mostly put in his mouth to bite and suck

changing the angle of her body to reach an object

reaching and grabbing when a small toy is offered

exploring objects by putting them in his mouth.

At six months, a baby's sensory development includes:

adjusting his position to see objects

visual alertness, and following another child's activities with increased awareness

turning towards the source when she hears sounds at ear level

having a favourite sensory stimulus, such as certain music, finger games, flavors, etc.

playing with the two hands in the middle and transferring toys hand-to-hand

being comfortable when moved.

At six months, a baby's intellectual development includes:

understanding the meaning of words such as 'mama', 'dada' and 'bye-bye'

understanding objects and knowing what to expect of them

turning immediately when she hears your voice at a distance

talking to herself in a tuneful, singsong voice

understanding 'up' and 'down' and makes appropriate gestures raising his arms to be picked up.

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Peek-a-Boo, and maybe "where's the kitty?" is about it for an infant of that age.

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A six-month-old baby typically naps 2-3 times a day, for a total of 2-3 hours of nap time.

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Your baby will be 1 month old one month after their birth date.

How can I tell if my six month old baby has an ear infection?

You can tell that your six month old has an ear infection if he/she is restless, crying inconsolably and touching his/ her ear, due to the pain. You should probably call your pediatrician just to be on the safe side.

Which is correct - six-month-old or six months' old?

I think it depends on what you're saying. eg. A six-month-old rabbit or. A rabbit that's six months' old.

When is my baby considered to be one month old"?

Your baby is considered to be one month old on the same date of the month as their birthdate.

How do you abort a six month old baby?

You dont! You dont let it get that far if you dont want the baby! As far as I am aware there is nowhere in the world you can abort a normal baby at six months and at this stage a baby born has an at least 50% chance of survival.