Not ask WikiAnswers....go to a doctor immediately if it turns bad
Your baby is both 4 weeks old and 1 month old.
It is not recommended for a 4-month-old baby to watch TV as it can negatively impact their development.
Yes, a baby is considered to be one month old when they reach 4 weeks of age.
Yes. A four Month Old baby Can go out side. With Propper clothes.
See a doctor!
You need to take the baby to a doctor.
My baby is 28 inches at 4 months!!
20 pounds
This is the age when your baby is starting to be introduced to solid food between 4 and 7 months.
1 year
Corn is very hard to digest even for adults. Have you ever noticed there are no baby food jars with corn? That is why. It is too hard for a baby to digest, especially a 4 month old.