The phrase "stay-at-home mom" is hyphenated and should not have spaces between the words. This is because it functions as a compound adjective to describe the type of mom. So the correct punctuation is "stay-at-home mom."
She is a home maker. (stay at home mom)
she was a stay at home mom
She was a stay at home mom.
stay at home moms do not get paid because a stay at home mom is not a job. unless she works from home but theres too many possibilities of what jobs she can be doing.
a "home maker "
Homemaker, a mom. You can answer this so many ways. An underpaid, non-vacationed but well rewarded person, or adomestic engineer.
Jules. stay at home mom.
nothing she was a stay at home mom
stay at home "mom"
stay at home mom
Guardian of the hearth.