What is the meaning of FYQ acronym?
The meaning of the acronym HOTS is Higher Order Thinking Skills.
It's not an acronym, its an abbreviation for Guantanamo Gay.
To find the meaning of an acronym, it might help to start with the site Acronym Finder. A link to the home page can be found below, and you can enter the acronym at the top of that page to see what comes up.
what is the meaning of photosynthesis
There are a number of acronym finders that one can use online to find the meaning of 'JOA'. For instance, one suggested meaning for JAO is Jewish Autonomous Oblast.
It is an acronym, and the meaning is unclear unless the context is known.
Securities and Exchange CommissionsYou can find other meanings to the acronym sec
Political Advisor
Global bank
MCLA is an acronym for "Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts." There are, of course, other meanings for this acronym, but this is the most commonly used.