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Q: What is the study of newborn babies called?
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Related questions

What is neonatology the study of?

Neonatology is the study of newborn babies.

Who studies new born babies?

A doctor who devotes their time to the study of newborn babies and their needs and problems would be called a "neonatologist".

What are newborn bush babies called?

Newborn Bush Babies are called bushels in most countries except for Africa, where they are called Gala.

What is the study of newborn called?


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What is the white substance on a newborn babies skin?

It's called vernix

What is a group of newborn kittens called?

they are babies so they are kittens

What is the called in the enlargement of head in newborn babies?

find it out on another website. don't come here. It is called Hydrocephalus

Can babies see when there newborn?


How do newborn babies eat?

Newborn babies put their mouths against the nipple on their mother's breasts. Then they suck the milk that flows.

Can newborn babies cry tears?

No, the tear ducts in newborn babies are not fully developed, so they cannot cry real tears.

What are boa constrictors babies called?

Baby boas can be called either neonates or newborn boas, as boas give live birth.