It's wrong for women to cut their hair it says it on the bible 2 Also women should NEVER EVER get their hair cut the reason y it's becuz if u cut ur hair your goin to miss it, its best to never get/hav a hair cut as a woman ever its best for men to hav their hair kinda long but for women never
You NEVER EVER for NEVER EVER want to cut your Golden Retriever's hair. Or any dog for that matter. They have their hair for a reason. They will shed, pant, and lay down in the shade to stay cool. But never cut a dogs hair. Remember that.
Never say never.
no princeton have never in his life cut his hair not even once.:))))))
The Nazirines.
for men: keep it kinda long for women: always keep it long also never go/get a hair cut never if ur a woman
No she will never cut her hair because she is very popular and has a WORLD record to have long hair and people love to be popular.
A person with Really long hair who has a religion that they should never cut it or dye it. They should never do anything unnatural to their hair.
Samson is a biblical figure who is known for his incredible strength, which was believed to be derived from his uncut hair. According to the Bible, Samson never cut his hair, as it was a symbol of his vow to God as a Nazirite.
20 days after never...
No, not that I know of. I've never heard of anyone having bad luck after getting their hair cut at night. no its not i got my hair cut at night and i got no bad luck just good