There are no plans to bring the character of Jenny back, but you never know!
i think it is going to be the doctors daughter.
None of the previous Doctors returned, although images of all nine previous Doctors were shown during the Christmas special, 'The Next Doctor.'
No the doctor dose not have that kind of power!
In the episode of the new series of Doctor Who, "The Doctor's daughter", the Doctor's Daughter was called Jenny. She was played by British Actress Georgia Moffett, the real life daughter of Peter Davison, who played the fifth Doctor. She is now married to David Tennant, who played the tenth Doctor. They have just had a child!
I forgot to say my daughter was 13 years old. I don't know what the law says, but consider that if doctors told parents everything their adolescent children told the doctors, the kids would never disclose anything to the doctors -- and that would make it less likely that a doctor could have a positive effect on the kid's behavior.
Doctors - A group of doctors. 'Where are all the doctors?'Doctor's - A possession of the doctor's. 'I picked up the doctor's pen'.Doctor's - Meaning, Doctor is. 'The Doctor's busy right now'.
the doctors hand witch was cut off and then returned in the episode Utopia to my knowledge.
Yes, they really are doctors.
There isn't a type of doctor who specifically treats doctors.
As of the latest season, there have been thirteen official Doctors in the Doctor Who series.
One doctor: The doctor's care was excellent. More than one doctor: The doctors' care was excellent.