I don't think his concerts have an age limit, but his act does contain a lot of adult material.
Dane Cook is 45 years old (birthdate: March 18, 1972).
A typical Dane Cook comedy show might be for ages 18+ due to the content of the shows.
18 is age to vote
minimum of 18 years old minimum of 18 years old
The raven by edgar allan poe is 18 stanzas and is abcbbb
Dane Cook was born on March 18, 1972.
Dane Cook is 45 years old (birthdate: March 18, 1972).
Dane Cook was born on March 18, 1972.
A typical Dane Cook comedy show might be for ages 18+ due to the content of the shows.
Dane Krager was born on 1979-05-18.
18 concerts.
it depends where you live. in the UK most concerts age restrictions are 14 years of age. and if your under that age you MUST be accompined by a person over the age of 18.
The Complete Paris Concerts was created on 1961-11-18.
All the 18+ concerts I have been to had bouncers checking ID at the doors. I have seen them let in one or two slick under 18's, but I sure wouldn't count on it.
no, not the ones I've gone to.
Kristy Lee Cook was born on January 18, 1984
Bun Cook was born on September 18, 1904.