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Q: Besides drama what other genre was shakespeare famous for writing?
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What are the most famous drama?

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is the most relevant and famous drama in the world

What genre of writing did William Shakespeare write?

He wrote plays and poetry.

Would Shakespeare still be writing plays if he was alive?

It is likely that Shakespeare would not only be writing plays, but screenplays, teleplays, and any other form of drama.

What was the importance of drama in Shakespeare's life?

Drama was how Shakespeare made a living.

Who was Julius in drama?

There was a play written by William Shakespeare called Julius Caesar. It subject was this famous Roman general and statesman.

How did history affect Shakespeare writing Macbeth?

Though Macbeth existed in history, Shakespeare was more interested in what kind of tragic character he could make of him, and altered historical facts for the sake of the drama.

Shakespeare's protagonists are less rigidly defined than Greek protagonists and Shakespeare's also make use of comic elements unlike the GreeksAbout which genre of writing is the statement above true?

Tragic drama

Who were the main playwrights of the time in Tudor times?

The most famous was Shakespeare, but there were others I'm not to sure about, cos I'm not really into plays and drama! :S

Who is the writer of Hamlet drama?

William Shakespeare

What are the two Shakespeare masks called?

Comedy and tragedy masks. Their origin is in the Greek drama, and they are used with respect to drama of all kinds, not particularly Shakespeare.

Who was England's most famous playwright?

George Bernard Shaw is considered to be England's most famous playwright, second only to William Shakespeare. This is because Willliam Shakespeare's creations were more poetry than drama and because William Shakespeare's works all can be perfectly sung which qualifies them to be considered as Poetry. It may also be noted here that Shakespeare also loathed the tedious labour of staging a drama and always wished to be considered as a poet. Thus, to do this great literary figure justice, William Shakespeare goes to the Hall of Fame of Poets and George Bernard Shaw stands as the most famous Playwright England produced.

Did Shakespeare invent plays?

If you mean "Did Shakespeare invent the concept of plays?" the answer is no, he sure did not. People were writing plays in Greece 1800 years and more before Shakespeare was born. They had plays in Rome too, but the Romans weren't very good at drama, and ultimately plays had to be reinvented. However, English drama was certainly reinvented by the time Shakespeare was born, although it was improving all the time. If you mean "Did Shakespeare write plays?" the answer is of course yes. If he hadn't written plays you would never have heard of him.