

Can a cow fly

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Can a cow fly
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How do you teach a cow to fly?

ask a bird .

How does a cow fly?

They don't, so why even ask?

Why can a fly fly but an elephant can't elephant?

Because elephant isn't an action verb and fly is. The noun and verb "fly" are from the same source, but many other things besides flies can fly. You might cow a cow, or see a flea flee, and a bear will normally bear you no ill will.

How do Hindus think you were created?

Your first life you were a fly. But you were a very good fly so when you got swatted you became a cow in the next life. You were a good cow then you got butchered. Then you became a human. You were a real jerk and generall sucked and got hit by a bus. You are now back to being a fly.

What are flies common in humans cows and monkeys?

We are in common because of we fly in airplanes and flying monkeys fly and the cow that jumped over the moon.

What is the meaning of arising?

rising off of something like a fly arised off a cow

Which bone is stronger the cow's or the chicken's?

I would assume the cow's because a chicken's bones are hollow (bird's bones are hollow to reduce weight so they can fly).

Why did the pig fly over the moon?

He was following a cow who had just jumped over it. (Cat and the Fiddle)

How does a ship have a pool that opens into the ocean without sinking?

all they have to do is make a cow fly to russia

What is the most expensive place to fly to in the world?

From Indiana, it appears to be the Marshall Islands, HOLY COW!!!

Who was the first cow to fly in an airplane?

Feb 18, 1930. Elm Farm Ollie became the first cow to fly in an airplane. During the flight, which was attended by reporters, she was milked, and the milk was sealed in paper containers and parachuted over St. Louis, MO.