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Desribe the political climate in England during the time Shakspear was writing?

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Q: Desribe the political climate in England during the time Shakespeare was writing?
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Political climate in England during time shakespeare writing?

The two major religions in Elizabethan England were the Catholic and Protestant religions. The convictions and beliefs in these different religions were so strong that they led to the executions of many adherents to both of these Elizabethan religions. Catholics in particular made various plots to overthrow the monarchy, which made the government somewhat tense and paranoid.

What was political climate in England during the time Shakespeare was writing?

England was politically stable throughout most of Shakespeare's life. Queen Elizabeth was blessed not only with a sharp mind and strong will, but a group of administrators who were devoted to her. Although the administration needed to deal with external threats (pro-Catholic uprisings or plots sponsored by France or Spain), the internal politics were stable. An exception was the Earl of Essex's attempt at a rebellion to overthrow the Queen, which was a laughable fiasco. After Elizabeth's death, much of the administrative structure was inherited by her successor. Again there were troubles with pro-Catholic plots (Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot) but apart from that the country ran smoothly and well. Needless to say, it was not very PC at the time to be sympathetic to the Catholic cause, but if you could avoid that pitfall you were pretty safe.

What has the author W J Veldkamp written?

W. J. Veldkamp has written: 'Soils of Zambia' -- subject(s): Agricultural geography, Maps, Soils 'Agro-climatic zones in Zambia' -- subject(s): Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural ecology, Charts, diagrams, Climate, Crops and climate

In Shakespeare poem Where the bee sucks there suck I what or who does the I refer to?

Ariel of course .. Prospero's fairy servant whom he saved from Caliban in 'The Tempest'. Unfortunately in today's climate Ariel may no longer have many bees to suck with, nor bat's backs to fly upon!!!! == ==

What was it like when Shakespeare was around?

The world climate was going through a cold period. All the food was organic. Someone had to fetch your water from a well or river. World population was 7% of today's ( A new born baby had about 40% chance of dying of illness or accident before reaching teenage. You couldn't get in or out of a city at night because of the wall. More people worked on farms than anywhere else. The rest made things at home: furniture, cloth, pans, leather, paper. Shakespeare's father was a glovemaker.

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Political climate in England during time shakespeare writing?

The two major religions in Elizabethan England were the Catholic and Protestant religions. The convictions and beliefs in these different religions were so strong that they led to the executions of many adherents to both of these Elizabethan religions. Catholics in particular made various plots to overthrow the monarchy, which made the government somewhat tense and paranoid.

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because of the political climate, the social climate was colder.

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england climate was freezing in winter and warm in summer

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No, England is much further North of the Mediterranean and is therefore cooler in climate.

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No, England has a maritime climate.

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