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In Act 1 they are living in Inverness, possibly in a castle or possibly in a large house. By Act 5 they are living at Dunsinane, which is a castle.

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Q: Did lady Macbeth and Macbeth live in a castle?
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Where does King Duncan come to spend the night?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's castle at Inverness. (It's in Scotland on Loch Ness)

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Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to murder King Duncan by inviting him to their castle as guests, then waiting until he is asleep to kill him. They plan to frame the chamberlains for the murder by planting the murder weapons on them.

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Lady Macbeth hears a knock at the door in Act 2, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth." She interprets this as an omen of death because it symbolizes a visitor at the castle, which could lead to uncovering the murder she and Macbeth committed.

Does Macbeth creep into lady macbeths bedroom?

In Act 1, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Macbeth does not creep into Lady Macbeth's bedroom. Instead, Lady Macbeth receives Macbeth's letter informing her of the witches' prophecies. Their encounter in the play takes place in other locations within their castle.

What was the catstrophe in Macbeth?

Apart from all the deaths that Macbeth is responsible for: he gets overthrown and his head chopped off, Lady Macbeth kills herself, there's a massive fight outside Macbeth's castle.

What does Lady Macbeth resolve to do to help Macbeth win the crown?

Lady Macbeth is determined to propel Macbeth to the throne . Lady Macbeth is advised that King Duncan will stay in the castle ;she is determinied to see him killed . When Macbeth returns she urges him to take the opportunity to kill the King. The King and the nobles arrive and Macbeth is emboldened to carry out the murder , but afterwards is filled with horror. Disgusted at his cowardice, Lady Macbeth completes the crime, incriminating the sleeping guards by smearing them with Duncan's blood and planting on them Macbeth's dagger.