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Yes... along with other plays.

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Q: Does the the globe still perform Shakespeare's plays?
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What plays go on at the globe theatre?

Yes there are still plays going on

Which people like Shakespeare?

the queen loved shakespeares plays alot and many people did and still do

Why is the quote to be or not to be so famous?

It is a line from William Shakespeares Hamlet. Most of William Shakespeares plays are still famous now as he is regarded as the greatest writer in the English Language.

Is ford's theater Lincoln's theater?

No. It is still called Fords Theatre. They still perform plays at the theatre.

What lines are still used out of Shakespeares plays?

Some famous lines from Shakespeare's plays that are still commonly used today include "To be, or not to be: that is the question" from Hamlet, "All the world's a stage" from As You Like It, and "To thine own self be true" from Hamlet.

Can you still watch plays in the Globe theatre?

The original Globe Theatre (British spelling!) was closed in 1642. A modern reconstruction was built in 1997, not far from the site of the original, and is called "Shakespeare's Globe." You certainly can see plays at the newly built theatre - see the link below.

What kind of plays were the dramatized bible plays?

Dramatized Bible plays were generally related to the death of Jesus. They were called Passion Plays. Many churches still perform these plays each Easter.

Why are you still reading shakespeares works?

I am still reading them because I have not yet memorized them all.

What is the globe theatre used as now?

The globe theatre was where William Shakespeare performed his plays. the first globe was burnt down during one of his plays but the second was built on top of it. It is now a model to remember William Shakespeare by and i think it is also a museum where people can go and visit it. It still stands by the river Thames to this day!

Are shakespeares plays still relevant?

Yes. Works of art don't become obsolete. The plays of Shakespeare possess all (or most) of the ingredients of a good work and will continue to do so until humans evolve past the point of appreciating such.Yes.his plays explain that life back then was no different from today.

Are Shakespeares plays relevant or irrelevant why?

Shakespearean plays are all considered relevant because they portray human issues which never seem to change no matter how much time passes. Love, greed, and betrayal are all things in Shakespeare's plays and they are issues with which human beings worldwide still contend.

Is the globe theatre still around?

The first globe opened by William shakespeare is not still around and hasn't been for sometime, but they re-built a new globe which is very similar to the old globe, and that is still around at the moment, so it is in a way still around.