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Accounts of the precise time of origin of Egyptian belly dancing is unreliable. However, there have been recordings that show that it was observed during the Greek/Roman times, and this is the most reliable earliest date.

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Q: During what time did the Egyptian belly dance originate from?
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Belly dancing babyy!! ;) no actually belly dancing is the Egyptian traditional dance. the Jordanian traditional dance is based on feet moving. if you would like to see one go to youtube and write Jordanian dance. :)

What is a belly dance?

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What actors and actresses appeared in Belly Dance Party - 2004?

The cast of Belly Dance Party - 2004 includes: Neon as Herself - Belly Dance Instructor

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How do you belly dance?

Wigggle ya belly lol

How is belly dancing different from other dance styles?

Belly dance dance is different from other dance because, Belly dance is an individually creative expression of the core moves and core concepts and each belly dancer interprets the music in her own unique way. Belly dancing is both a beautiful form of dance and a great way to exercise. Belly dancing is based on one of the oldest social dances in world history.