The Giant meat ball
The Giant Meat Ball
tha biggest school in america
Ask them some questions. Do you have to audition to get in? How big are the classes? Are the teachers working in the business? Do they do a showcase for the industry when you graduate? They claim to be the biggest acting school in the world. Doesn't mean they are the best.
well you already know it is the biggest in the world and you cant measure is because its to big to measure. it can rap around the earth 82,266,213,623,777,242,982 times it is HUGE! but there is 1 kid who as the same size and his name is Bryley Roper their dad is Steve Nash so ya but Zach Mann's wang is enormous and he has friends Cole, TK, T-Bone, Sawyer, Porter, Kaleb, Jacob, and Josh who have a 15 inch wang so come on ladys we are beasts and you need to meet up with us. WE ARE MANNaMALs! Well actually it is tiny Tk's is the biggest then sawyer then porter and so on but ya its Tiny as crap Hey im just kidding Zach so u have second biggest behind me TK they are equal in size and k-pup you are hot
its about big as 40 cars staked on each other
The world's largest booger is a collection of booger's in a booger ball that weighs 1827 Kg and is the size of a soccer ball.
A coil of yarn may be called a hank or a skein. Yarn is typically sold in a ball or a skein. A hank is different in that it is a big loop of yarn that is twisted up for easy shipping.
There is no biggest tennis ball. the normal tennis ball has 6.7 cm as diameter.
Yarn comes in different "gatherings"--ways that it can be sold. Your question mentioned 2 out of the three: ball of yarn and skein of yarn. The third would be a Hank of yarn. A hank is a skein of yarn (which is yarn in a large oblong shape, and tied in a few places around the skein to maintain a bit of control over the yarn staying in that loose shape), which has been twisted around itself to make for a smaller and more controllable yarn, which is easier to pack, and store. A hank also is a bit more manageable than a skein of yarn. A ball of yarn would be wound from a skein or a hank.
The heaviest legal bowling ball weighs 16 pounds.
the world's biggest mythical creature is pretty big
You could use it in a question or a statement. For example "It's a big ball of yarn."
Answer: Most yarns that you will find at the big craft store chains or at discount stores that sell yarn comes either in a ball or a skein. A ball is literally a round conglomeration of yarn. The yarn can be pulled from the outside of the ball, and sometimes from the inside as well. A skein is similar to a ball but it is formed into an oblong shape. It's the classic shape most people think of when they think of yarn. Yarn can be pulled either from the outside or the inside of a skein of yarn. A hank is a different way of selling yarn in which the yarn is loosely wound into a large ring shape and then twisted on itself to make a package that's easy to ship and store. Untwist the hank and you'll find yourself faced with a big ring of yarn that needs to be wound into a ball before it is used. Hanks, balls and skeins are all fine to work with; one is not a better choice than the others. Many luxury yarns and high-quality yarns are only available in hanks, so you'll have to work with one sooner or later.
You get an apple, a basket ball, and a huge bounce ball and compare them.
Yes, it is the biggest clock in the world. It is or was the biggest 4 sided Clock Tower in the World.