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If you've noticed him acting kina weird or unusual around you lately, or stares at you, and when he's asking, he is stuttering or sounds kina nervous, then its most likely real. If he HATES you and says it like he wants to get it over with then he is joking. If you really aren't sure then ask one of his friends.

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Q: How can you tell if a boy is asking you out for real or just joking?
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He asked you out but what if you cant tell if he is joking?

If he's smirking, or his friends are nearby chuckling, smirking, or laughing etc. Then yes he's probably joking. If he seems very embarrassed or shy with maybe or maybe not a couple friends nearby encouraging him he may be asking you out for real.

How can you tell a boy is joking with you?

how you can tell if a boy is joking with you he laughs and smiles just as you would do with him. but he could also be sarcastic so watch out for tht.

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Guys make fun of each other in a playful way. They just may be joking around with you, try asking them.

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by asking my dick

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Just tell everyone clearly and sensibly that you weren't. They might just be joking around, to make you uncomfortable.

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i'll just say it by joking ,,,so that the person will not be offend;-)

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you can tell by how she acts after the joke <3

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well basicly tell her you were just joking if you really were

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* well, he pobably was joking, but deep down he probably likes you *

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If you're asking, it's probably a crush. Wait a while. Real love doesn't wear out very fast.

Would one guy tell another guy Hey handsome if they are just platonic friends?

Maybe if they are joking around... or if they are weird...

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Entertainment is more giggly and joking. If you are in a boring setting and you think they're flirting, it is probably just for entertainment. But real flirting they match the volume, speed, and tone of your voice, seem genuinely interested in what you are talking about. and look into your eyes.