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In 1593-1594 there was an outbreak of plague in London. It was not the most violent outbreak of the disease, but the health regulations of the time dictated that all of the playhouses had to close until the disease was under control. This put the people employed by the theatre industry temporarily out of work. A lot of the actors went on tour of the country towns. Shakespeare, however, put pen to paper and wrote a long somewhat pornographic poem called Venus and Adonis, which he arranged to have published.

Before this time, Shakespeare had already written a few plays. Robert Greene said he could "bombast out the blank verse with the best of you" in 1592. It also appears from Henslowe's diary that Shakespeare, like most other playwrights, sold his plays where he could for not much money, so his early plays show up as being played at the Rose by companies other than Burbage's.

Venus and Adonis was a huge hit. It went through several editions. It made Shakespeare a rich man. It also made him better known as a writer. After this point we do not see his plays being performed by anyone except the Lord Chamberlain's and later King's Men. Both the quality and quantity of his work improve. We can speculate that his partners may have allowed him to spend less time on acting and more on writing because they knew, from Venus and Adonis, that he could write popular stuff.

All thanks to the plague.

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