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He invited his audience to use their imaginations. Which they did and are still capable of doing. Many modern productions, both of Shakespeare's plays and more modern ones, use minimal props and scenery and get their point across by good acting.

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Q: How did shakespeare make up for lack of scenery?
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How did shakespeare create illusions without using a lot of scenery in Romeo and Juliet?

Competent actors can create a scene for an audience without any scenery; plodding actors cannot. Having a good script helps but cannot substitute for acting. You may have noticed that school productions often spend a lot of time worrying about scenery and costume; this is to try to make up for the ineptitude of the actors. Basically, then, the answer to your question is that Shakespeare didn't create the illusions. But generations of actors playing his script have.

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To add espasilly to make up a lack?

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What is of the meaning Scenary in Webster online dictionary?

First off, the word is misspelled, it's "scenery", not "scenary". According to Webster's Online dictionary, some of the synomyms to the word scenery are: Mettle, make-up, life and landscape.

How many words did Shakespeare make-up?

About 2,000!!! See related link

Did Shakespeare make up somewords?

Shakespeare made up over 3000 words. A partial list of them can be found here.

Where does the word scenery come from?

The root word of scenery is scene