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Q: How did the Aztecs express themselves through poetry art music dance and language?
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Related questions

How does the Aztec tribe support them self's?

The Aztecs supported themselves through the tribute system.

Why did the Aztecs call themselves The Aztecs and what does the word mean?

They didn't they called themselves the Mexicas

Did the aztecs have a language?

Yes, the Aztecs spoke Nahuatl, a language that is still spoken by some indigenous communities in Mexico today. Nahuatl was the language of the Aztec empire and played a significant role in their culture and society.

Was the Aztec people given their name from the spanish?

No, the Aztec people were not given their name by the Spanish. Their name, "Aztec," actually comes from the word "Aztlan," which was their legendary homeland. The Spanish adopted this term from Nahuatl, the language spoken by the Aztec people.

What kind of communication did the Aztecs use?

The Aztecs spoke a language called Nahuatl.

What language did the Mayans and Aztecs write in?

They didn't have a written language.

Was the Aztec people given their name from the spanish people?

NO. The term "Aztec" comes from the Nahuatl language, the language of the Aztec peoples, meaning "the people of Azatlan" a mythical place that the Aztecs believed themselves to be originally from.

Did the Aztecs have a written language?

Yes, the Aztecs had a writing system known as Nahuatl, which was a combination of ideographic and phonetic symbols. They used this system to record important events, historical accounts, and religious rituals on various materials such as parchment and illustrated codices.

How did Aztecs communicate?

The Aztecs communicated using a complex system of pictorial writing called hieroglyphics, as well as spoken language, gestures, and artwork. They also used messenger runners and relay systems to convey important messages across the vast Aztec Empire. Additionally, oral tradition played a significant role in preserving and passing down historical and cultural knowledge.

What was the language of the Aztecs known as?

The language of the Aztecs was known as Nahuatl. It is still spoken by over a million people in Mexico today.

Did the Aztecs call themselves Mexica?


What happened to Aztec's extinction?

The Aztecs never went extinct. The Spaniards did however end their reign of power through a combination of religious, psychological, linguistic, and germ warfare. The Aztecs had no natural defense against these diseases, which were the main cause for their downfall. In total, European diseases and slavery wiped out 90% of America's Native population, which was equivalent to 10% of planet Earth's population. Much greater then the entire continent of Europe. The Aztecs did not die out however, they just became ruled by the Spaniards. In addition, the Aztecs did not call themselves 'Aztecs', they called themselves Mexicas. The modern day Mexicans are either full blooded Aztecs, Mayans, Zapotec, Mixtec, or Meztiso (of mixed blood). Spanish only comprises of 10% of Mexico's population. The Aztecs are still alive and festivals are held to this day. Although Mexicans speak Spanish, the majority of them are natives. Some in fact still speak their native Mexica language of Nahuatl. The true language of the Mexicans.