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Q: How do i dress my son like a girl to be in beauty pageants?
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What is wrong with beauty contests or beauty pageants like Miss America?

nothing absoutly nothing

Does child beauty pageants lead to child abuse?

They are not bad. Just because a certain person doesnt like pageants (even if that's you) doesnt mean that the mothers abuse their kids. Pageant girls LOVE pageants. I wacth pageant shows ALL the time and I have NEVER heard a girl say "I hate pageants. I want to quit".

Do you believe that child beauty pageants are bad?

Child beauty pageants are NOT WRONG if you do not get too carried away. It's something fun a mom, or dad and their kid can do together. They are not bad, like everyone says they are. Kids love them because they think they look like little princesses! And they do, jueasy on the makeup and skimpy clothing and there is nothing you can complain about. And THAT is the truth about beauty pageants.

How many girls are entered into beauty pageants?

It is impossible to know how many girls are entered into beauty pageants because there are so many different pageants, and some girls start entering them at very young ages. Still, only a small percentage of girls enter pageants, and still fewer make it to the big name pageants like Miss America, Miss USA, etc.

Why is it okay for a girl to dress like boy but not okay for a boy to dress like a girl?

its society

You are a boy but you like too dress like a girl?

You are a tom girl.

Should i dress as a girl at the age of 17?

yes if you are a girl you should dress like one

How do you get a TomBoy to like you?

Dress up like a girl.

How can you make use of snakes' skin?

you can make it into a dress like i did you will like it if you are a girl make it into a dress

How do you dress Vegas?

if your a guy dress like a G if your a girl drees like pam Anderson

What does usher like of a girl?

i think its the beauty

How do you do a girl costume?

Just ask a girl to help you. Tell her you want to dress up like a girl and she'll have you in a pretty dress and makeup in no time.