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Q: How do you compare Macbeth and Othello in a literary criticism essay?
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How does Othello and Romeo compare as characters?

Othello loves himself unlike romeo kills himself to be with Juliet.

Who did Malcolm compare Lucifer to in the play Macbeth?

Macbeth was compared to the devil

What does lady Macbeth compare macbeths face to?

a book

What literary term is used in this quoteO never shall sun that morrow see What if your face my thane is as a book where men may read strange matters?

The literary term used in the quote is metaphor. Lady Macbeth uses a metaphor to compare her husband's face to a book where unusual things can be discerned by others.

What does shakaspear compare life to in Macbeth?

In Macbeth, Shakespeare compares life to a "brief candle" that is easily extinguished. Macbeth reflects on the fleeting nature of life and how it is ultimately transient and fragile.

What is a literary criticism of the chosen story a very old man with enormous wings?

A literary criticism of "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez could focus on the theme of human nature and morality. The story explores how society reacts to something perceived as miraculous and the implications of its treatment of the supernatural. Additionally, critics may examine the blending of magical realism with social commentary in the narrative.

What was the names of William shakspears plays and poetry names?

Some of William Shakespeare's most famous plays include "Romeo and Juliet," "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Othello." His poetry includes works like "Sonnet 18" ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?") and "Sonnet 130" ("My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun").

A compare an contrast essay?

has the same components as any other literary essay.

How can you compare the speaker in the laboratory to Macbeth being disturbed?

its two different things that macbeth is help by his wife while labortary is loney hahaha miss mcdough dnt take this

What does Macbeth compare duncans murder to?

Macbeth compares Duncan's murder to a bell signaling Duncan's eternal sleep. He expresses remorse and guilt over the treacherous act he has committed.

How do banquos thoughts compare with Macbeths?

Well, Banquo's mind does not appear to be full of scorpions as Macbeth says his is.

How would Lady Macbeth compare to Abigail Williams?

these two characters are both controlling, ambitious and and have deception of cruel.