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Q: How do you dress like Mordcha from Fiddler on the Roof?
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What does the play fiddler on the roof represents?

the life of the Jews in that time was very dramatic and they did not know if suddenly their lives would take an unexpected turn, like a fiddler playing on the edge of a roof.

Is fiddler on the roof a metaphor?

Yes, fiddler on the roof, is a metaphor. Tevye basically states this in the first scene "we are all like... a Fiddler on the ROOF!" as the first song Tradition (which is another very heavily used theme in the show) The fiddler and his shakiness, almost falling over, as Tevye also states in his opening "speech" represents the breaking with tradition that Tevye and his family do throughout the show.

How are the children and parents different in fiddler on the roof?

They want to get married without a matchmaker and also get married with someone who is not Jewish like them.

Why does 'Fiddler on the Roof' deserve to be watched?

Fiddler on the Roof is an delightful and moving play. Of course, the movie is done well also, but I suggest seeing the theatre production. It gives you a feeling for how hard life was in Czarist Russia, especially for peasants and Jews. The characters are so life-like and their stuggles are very real for the time. With the wonderful songs, characters, scenes, you will soon be captured in the world of Tevye and his daughters. I've seen the theatre production and the movie, and I assure you Fiddler on the Roof was probably one of the best plays I've ever seen. I laughed out loud and I had to hold in the tears and I was on the edge of my seat with excitement. When the characters were joyous, I felt their joy. I also suggest the play Les Miserables if you liked Fiddler on the Roof

When I was a young man courting the girls?

That sounds like the beginning of a popular song called "If I Were a Rich Man" from the musical Fiddler on the Roof. It's a playful song about a man imagining what he would do with wealth.

What group do the fiddler crabs belong in?

they bolong in the crab group like fiddler crab group

Do fiddler crabs have eyelids?

Fiddler crabs have clear scales over their eyes, but they do not have eye lids that move like we do.

Are hermit crabs like fiddler crabs?

yes they are

Do newborn fiddler crabs look like adult fiddler crabs?

Yep only slightly smaller with a lighter colored shell.

What do Fiddler crabs do with their one large claw?

The males wave it over their heads to get the female's attenteion.While doing that it looks like their fiddling.Thats why there called fiddler crabs.

Why do fiddler crabs turn black?

cause GOD made them like that

How do Uganda people dress?

they dress like Indian people they dress like Indian people they dress like Indian people