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Antonio, although a minor character, does assist in resolving certain scenes and in bringing out the characters of Sebastian and Viola. From his interaction with Sebastian we find that Antonio is taking a big risk in showing up in Illyria where he is a wanted criminal. Sebastian does not seem to appreciate the sacrifice Antonio is making for him--he comes off as a bit selfish. Possibly Antonio's feelings for Sebastian are more than "just friends" but it is clear that Sebastian's bread is not buttered that way. This prepares us, perhaps, for Sebastian's ready willingness to marry the beautiful Olivia after knowing her for about two minutes. He is a red-blooded heterosexual man and she is a beautiful woman, and apparently rich into the bargain. Antonio's arrival puts a nice close to the non-duel between Viola and Sir Andrew. His demands for help from her, believing her to be Sebastian, clearly distress her. She would like to help him, but does not have the means.

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Q: How does Antonio reveal characters in twelfth night?
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Because of a duel he fought with another character.

What plays by Shakespeare have the character Antonio?

Most of them. Antonio is the name of a character in Much Ado About Nothing, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, The Two Gentlemen of Verona and The Tempest. None of the others have an Antonio.

Who wrote ''twelfth night''?

"Twelfth Night" was written by William Shakespeare, one of the most famous English playwrights and poets. The play is a comedy that tells the story of mistaken identity, love, and deception among a group of characters.

Is there any evidence that Antonio in Twelfth Night and Antonio in The Merchant of Venice are the same person?

Yes the Antonio of Twelfth Night is a younger version of the Antiono of The Merchant of Venice, (1) They both come from Venice; (2) They are both engaged in like or similar trades. I have other reasons for thinking this as well. Well, it would be nice to hear the other reasons, because these two are not very good. Antonio in Twelfth Night is not said to be from Venice anywhere in the play. In fact the words Venice and Venetian do not appear in the play. And Antonio in Twelfth Night is a ship's captain (he is actually wanted for piracy in Illyria) and Antonio in Merchant of Venice is a wholesaler. It's like saying that the owner of a warehouse has the same job as a truck driver. You could work out a scenario where they were the same guy, but there is no reason here to think so. You could probably work out a scenario where he later became the Antonio in The Two Gentlemen of Verona as well.

What is the second part of the title of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night?

Twelfth Night, Or What You Will.

When was Twelfth Night XII created?

Twelfth Night XII was created in 1985.

When was Olivia - Twelfth Night - created?

Olivia - Twelfth Night - was created in 1602.

When was Orsino - Twelfth Night - created?

Orsino - Twelfth Night - was created in 1602.

Who is the author of Twelfth Night?

Twelfth Night is a comedy play written by William Shakespeare

Is Twelfth Night a comedy?

Yes, William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night is a comedy.