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He inspired the world to do magic.

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Q: How does Harry Houdini's contributions still impact us today?
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Is houdinis family alive?

yes, harry houdini himself is alive today. people still watch his magic tricks at the graveyard on halloween.

How does Harry Houdini's accomplishments still impact us today?

he infleuance all great magicians today to take it to the next level!

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he invented the flourescent bulb, it a very big contibutution for us today beacause flourescent bulb is our daily use .

Do you still need 7 more contributions to have 200 contributions?

Nope. I'm good, thanks.

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It reduced the population by 70%. it scared the entire Jewish community and it still haunts them today.

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Harry Coover is still alive.

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Yes But Louis And Harry (Larry) are still married from this day and on

What are the contributions of Henry gantt to scinetific management?

Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919)Contributions toward work scheduling and control were made by Harry L. Gannt. �He tried to improve systems or organizations through task scheduling and reward innovation. Essentially, Gantt's most famous contribution was the Gannt chart, a system of control and scheduling we still use today.

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Why do edits of your own answers count as contributions?

Because you are still performing a legitimate edit - It doesn't matter whether its your own contributions or someone else's.

Can you still be a Harry Potter fan after the movies now they are finished?

Obviously you can still like Harry Potter. I guess that's what makes you a "fan".