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She agrees to marry Paris (with her fingers secretly crossed)

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Q: How does Juliet regain her parents' favor?
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What does Juliet say to lord Capulet when she returns from seeing friar?

Juliet lies to Lord Capulet, saying that she has sought forgiveness from the Friar for her disobedience towards him. She pretends to be remorseful and obedient to regain his favor.

What plans Juliet's parents make for her in scene 4?

Juliet's parents plan for her to marry Paris on Thursday.

Who in Romeo and Juliet apologizes to parents for disobedience?

Juliet does. She is less than sincere, but the parents don't catch on.

Where did the party in Romeo and Juliet take place?

At Juliet's parents' place.

Count Paris in Romeo and Juliet?

The man who Juliet's parents have arranged for her to marry.

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Does the nurse try to talk Juliet into telling her parents of the marriage to Romeo?

No she does not. Juliet's parents don't even know that she married Romeo

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Juliet's parents believe that Juliet was very fond of her cousin, and so therefore is mourning him.

What do Juliets parents think she died from?

The parents of Juliet believe she died from sadness

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Romeo's rival for Juliet's hand was Count Paris, a nobleman who was originally engaged to Juliet by her parents.

Who does Juliets mother want Juliet to marry?

Both of Juliet's parents want her to marry Paris.

How are Nurse and Friar Laurence better parents than Romeo and Juliet's actual parents?

They are better parents because they know and understand Romeo and Juliet better and they don't protest Romeo and Juliets love.