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She pushes Macbeth to kill the king and by doing so fulfills the witches predictions.

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Q: How does Lady Macbeth's attitude fulfill the witches' fair and foul prediction from Act I scene i?
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Who tells Macbeth he will one day be king?

Macbeth is told by three witches that he will one day be king. This prophecy ultimately leads Macbeth to contemplate committing regicide in order to fulfill the witches' prediction.

What does Macbeth feel about the witches prediction?

Initially, Macbeth is intrigued and excited by the witches' prediction that he will become king. However, as the play progresses, he becomes consumed by ambition and starts to see the predictions as a mandate that he must fulfill at any cost. This sets him on a path of greed, deceit, and ultimately, his downfall.

What was the 16th century attitude to witches?

they hated witches

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Macbeth was present.

What is the 3Rd prediction made by the witches about Macbeth?

He's to become king.

How does Lady Macbeth find out about the witches prediction?

yes because macbeth tells her

What was Macbeths down fall and demise after becoming king?

Macbeth's downfall would have been when he can not get to sleep and he had just been cursed by the three witches

What witches' predictions from Act I have come true so far and which have not?

The witches' prediction that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor has come true, as he receives this title in Act 1. However, their prediction that Macbeth will become King has not yet been fulfilled at this point in the play.

What are the contents of macbeths letter to Lady Macbeth?

The contents of Macbeth's letter to Lady Macbeth was about Macbeth's prediction from the 3 witches he met in the beginning - about him being the Thane of Cawdor (thane means prince/king) and then the King of Scotland. Lady Macbeth becomes hyped, because she was waiting for the chance to have all the power to be a queen.

Where is Macbeth's influence on cartoons modern renditions witches music art etc in today's culture?

macbeths influence on cartoons moodern reneditions are UP YOU BUTT!!!!!

Why is Macbeth both excited and fearful after hearing the witches prediction about his future?

the witches told Macbeth that he would be king, and he is worried about his role in making the prediction come true.

What attitude did the witches have during the time Shakespeare was writing?

We do not have any records of what Elizabethan witches (assuming there really was such a thing) might have thought about anything.