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Q: How does Shakespeare use language and dialogue to create a sense of anxiety and frenzy among the conspirators just before the assassination?
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What was one contribution to the English language that Shakespeare made?

The word assassination.

How did Shakespeare shape our language?

Shakespeare affected our language by adding a number of new words (e.g. assassination) and by popularizing a number of phrases which have become standard. He also set high standards for poetic expression in English.

What is the language and style of poem seven ages of man?

Its language is English, obviously. It is in the style of a piece of dramatic dialogue written in blank verse, as if it were an excerpt from the middle of a Shakespeare play and not a poem at all. This is because it is not a poem but rather an excerpt from the middle of Shakespeare's play As You Like It.

How many of the 1600 words that Shakespeare added to the English language do we use today?

Too many to count. And they are so common, we do not notice. Do you say "Ah, that's Shakespeare!" every time you hear the word "assassination"? Probably not.

How do you say and in Shakespeare's language?

Shakespeare's language was English. "And" in English is "and".

Who made the word assasstination?

Along with many other words in the English language, William Shakespeare first used the word Assassin (and therefore its conjugations incld. assassination) in Macbeth.

What did Shakespeare mean by the word 'then'?

Shakespeare wrote in English, the same language I am using now. There is no such language as "Shakespearean language" or "Shakespeare language". It's English. A word like "then" is a building block of the English language and always means "then" when Shakespeare or any other English speaker uses it.

What were the words that shakespeare gave the English language?

There are many words Shakespeare invented. Some of the common ones are things like "assassination", "amazement", "generous", "reliance", and "suspicious". There are many less-used terms as well. Shakespeare also invented a great many common phrases or sayings used today. For a more exhaustive list of Shakespeare's word inventions, you can look at the attached link

What langUAGE WAS Shakespeare wrote in?

Shakespeare is from England; his works are in English.

Is dialog figurative language?

no dialogue is not figurative language because figurative language is similies, metephors and idioms and personification

What are the Features of a dialogue?

Dialogue just means talking and communicating. A dialogue has people speaking with each other.