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Tybalt is basically the embodiment of the hate between the two royal families.

When Romeo shows up to the Capulet feast uninvited, he says "by the stock and honor of my kin, to strike him dead I hold not a sin". Later he challenges Romeo because of this.

The only reason Tybalt ever fought Romeo was because of family pride or so-called honor.

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12y ago

pride and honour is really important to the men in Romeo and Juliet especially because it was the Elizabethan time.The only reason tyblt provoked Romeo was because he was hurting his so called pride and honour.Benvolio died because Romeo was 'effeminate' and would not defend his pride,that's why Benvolio interfered this reason it shows how important pride and honour in that society.

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11y ago

In a sense Tybalt thinks he is avenging some kind of stain on the Capulet family honour by wanting to fight Romeo. But it is not a real revenge, because he himself has not in any way been wronged or injured. It's a fake reason for wanting to get into a scrap.

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