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mosquitos DRINK YOUR BLOOD and then they LAND IN PUDDLES and LAY THEIR LARVE from there they just break out of their "eggs" and they become mosquitos too.

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Q: How does mosquitoes reproduce?
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Related questions

What animals reproduce in water?

Frogs, Mosquitoes, Fish and other aquatic animals reproduce in water

Does malaria exist in Palestine?

No. There is insufficient stagnant water for the malaria-carrying mosquitoes to reproduce.

Do mosquitoes mate?

Yes, mosquitoes mate in order to reproduce. Male mosquitoes typically locate and mate with a female mosquito in order to fertilize her eggs. This process is essential for the continuation of the mosquito species.

How is dengue fever caused by littering?

Unless, littering makes pools of water that mosquitoes grow and reproduce in, there is no cause and effect.

What happens if a misquito mates with a ladybug?

Nothing. Lady Bugs and Mosquitoes are different species of bugs, they cannot reproduce! Hope this helps!

Why do mosquitos hatch when theres rain?

While it may seem as though mosquitoes hatch when there is rain, this is not the case. After it rains, shallow, still puddles called vernal pools form where mosquitoes lay their eggs and reproduce. Their life cycle is very quick and therefore it may seem as though they hatch when it rains.

How do mosquitos give birth?

Mosquitoes do not give birth. They reproduce by laying eggs. The average mosquito can lay several thousand eggs, even though there life span is only a couple days

What are the types of mosquitoes?

malaria mosquitoes

What do mosquitoes eaters eat besides mosquitoes?

well mosquitoes eat flowers(neuter) .

What is a sentence with the word mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are not only annoying, they can carry dangerous diseases.

Why do mosquitoes bite women more often than men?

The notion that mosquitoes bite women more often than men is limited to pregnant women. This is because they exhale greater amounts of carbon dioxide, and have higher body temperatures, both of which allow mosquitoes to more easily detect them.

What do female mosquitoes do that male mosquitoes can not do?
