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The nurse "returns" on a number of occasions in the play. You need to be more specific.

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Q: How does the nurse react when she finally returns?
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Related questions

Why does Juliet becomes so irritated when the nurse finally returns?

Juliet becomes irritated when the nurse returns because she is impatient to hear news from Romeo and the nurse takes too long to share the information. Juliet is anxious about her future and frustrated by the delay in getting updates about her love.

Who recognized Odysseus when he returns to his kingdom?

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the nurse Eurycleia

When the nurse returns with Romeos message she does what?

The nurse returns with Romeo's message and delivers it to Juliet, updating her on their plan to be married. She also gives Juliet instructions on how to meet Romeo later that night.

When telemachus returns to his house from pylos who recognized him first?

the nurse Eurycleia

How does Juliet approach the nurse when she returns?

she was very impatient and tries to use her sweet talk to hurry the news from the nurse even though the nurse was really exhausted.

What is humorous about the scene when the nurse returns?

The humorous aspect of the scene when the nurse returns is her misunderstanding and mistaken identity with the old man as Romeo. This confusion leads to comical moments as she speaks to who she believes is Romeo but is actually a different character in the play.

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He buys poison and returns to Verona to die by her side.

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Ralph, Jack, and Roger are very frightened when they finally see the beast.