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They mean the same thing because fat chance is sarcastic. The "fat chance" is said, it really means little chance or "slim chance."

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Q: How is it that fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?
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Warped wiseman says why does fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

They don't (quite) mean the same thing, the expression:'fat chance' means there is no chance,'slim chance' means that it will be difficult but there is just a chance.

What are some common phrases or idioms to describe slim chance?

Ironically, 'fat chance' means the same thing as 'slim chance'. There's also 'a snowballs chance in hell'; 'when pigs fly'; 'when hell freezes over'; or 'not in a million years'.

What means slim?

To be skinny and not fat. Slender. Can also mean a small chance of something happening, such as--> There is a slim chance that my flight will arrive on time.

What does Slimming mean?

I guess it's a program to get you slimmer. Like a diet or weight-loss program.

Would a 14 year old have a chance with Nick Jonas?

The chances of that are slim to none. But still, if one happens to meet this person, they might just have a chance. And by slim to none, I mean none at all.

When was Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance created?

Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance was created in 1974.

Praise your good fortune and curse all your hate i rule all your chaos and gamble your fate some avoid me some are game fat or slim i mean the same?


What does slim to none mean?

Most often the phrase is used in a sentence such as, "Our chances are slim to none," meaning that one has very little chance in succeeding, if any chance at all. Slim to none would suggest that you have so very little of something, it is practically nothing at all.

What does slim mean when he said '' a guy got to sometimes''?

Slim meant that George did the right thing and that sometimes you have to do things that seems wrong.

How do you use slim in a sentence?

You have a slim chance of beating the champion runner.

How do you say slim in German?

Sie is schlank - she is slimSchmale Taille - slim waisteine geringe Chance - slim chanceabnehemen - to slim

What does have a snowball's chance in hell mean?

When you think about it, hell is thought of as very hot. A snowball would certainly melt and go away in that place, so it would mean that there would be no chance.