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time has been personified in the poem not marble not the guilded monument

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Q: How is time personified in the poem 'not marble nor the gilded monuments'?
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Theme for the poem not marble nor the gilded monuments?


What is example of alliteration from the poem of not marble northe gilded monuments by William shakespeare?

An example of alliteration in the poem "Not marble nor the gilded monuments" by William Shakespeare is "nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st." The repetition of the "o" sound in "nor," "lose," and "possession" creates a melodious effect.

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Oblivious enmity is against death and enmity which is forgetful of everything and so seeks to destroy everything.

The theme of the poem not marble nor the gilded monuments is?

The theme of the poem is the power of poetry to immortalize the beloved subject, surpassing the physical decay of material monuments. It highlights the idea that beauty and memory can be preserved through verse, outlasting even the most grandiose structures. The poet emphasizes the enduring nature of art and love as opposed to the fleeting nature of physical monuments.

When the speaker in William Shakespeare's sonnet 55 mentions this powerful rhyme he is referring to?

The speaker in William Shakespeare's sonnet 55 is referring to the poem itself as a powerful rhyme that will immortalize the subject's beauty for eternity. The speaker suggests that as long as people are able to read, the poem will continue to preserve the memory of the subject's beauty.

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How is the sun personified in Robert Herrick's poem?

In Robert Herrick's poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time," the sun is personified as a chariot driver racing through the sky. This personification conveys the idea of the sun moving swiftly and time passing quickly, urging the listeners to make the most of their youth and not waste time.

What the rich think of the masses poem?

masses have no nostalgia for monuments content with barberous sunsets

What are the figures of speech that been used in ozymandias?

In the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley, the hand and the heart are personified to help add an effect to the poem. The hand "mocks" and the heart "feeds."

Which genre dose the brook the poem belong?

the Poem is a narrative description of the brook. It is personified in a breathtaking scramble of words. It gives us a detailed revalation about the Brooks life and journey. It is an autobiography of the brook

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The wild West Wind is personified in the poem. It is described as having a presence and is characterized as being like an enchanter that drives the dead leaves like ghosts.

What abstract quality is personified in When you consider how your light is spent?

The abstract quality of perseverance is personified in John Milton's poem "When I Consider How My Light is Spent". The speaker grapples with the idea of continuing to serve God despite physical challenges, embodying perseverance in the face of adversity.