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Q: How is tituba treated when she finally confesses and names Salem women's witches?
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What does Tituba finally confess?

she is threatened

In the book The Crucible why does tituba confess?

Tituba confesses because Abigail basically puts her in a corner and blames her for the entire evil practice performed in the woods. She confesses more in depth to her association with the Devil once she is threatened by her master, Reverend Parris, with being whipped to death, and by Putnam, who said that she should be hanged.

How does Hale lead Tituba into naming names?

Hale introduces the God into conversation to allow Tituba to open up and tell him everything. He tells Tituba, if she really is a Christian, she should name other witches.

To what did tituba confess?

After being beaten and pressured to confess, Tituba confesses that she was in a pact with the Devil. As a slave, Tituba was aware of how powerless she was and decided to just tell them what they seemed to want to hear and her torment. She also goes further and indict several other women as being in league with Satan as well.

Who were the first three witches in the Salem witch trials?

Ann Putnam is one and Tituba is another but the last i dont know sadly enough EDIT: Ann Putnam was not one of the accused. She was one of the first four accusers. The first three "witches" were Sarah Goode, Sarah Osbourne and Tituba.

Why does Tituba confess to witchcraft?

to escape harsh punishments. She is saying what her 'superiors' want to hear. They want to see/hear witches so she is giving them witches.

What role did Tituba played in starting the witchcraft hysteria in Salem?

It was Tituba who expanded it into an hysteria. When she was brought to examination, she not only confirmed that there were witches, but mentioned that there were a lot more than the three that Salem had already found.

What does tituba confess?

Tituba confesses to witchcraft since Abigail and the others were claiming she had committed the crime. Tituba was wanting to escape the extreme punishment of whippings and being hanged and so she took the easy road out and just confessed to a crime she had not commited. The punishment was lesser and she was allowed to just go to church to get the devil out of her instead of getting killed for "witchcraft".

What role did tituba play in the Salem witch trails?

Tituba was one of the first to be accused. She was also the first to confess. Her claim that there were nine witches as opposed to the three that had already been arrested kept the people searching. Had she said three, only the three original witches would have been arrested insteaded of upwards of 150.

Who can identify witches in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

No one really identifies any witches in The Crucible. They do not exist. Many characters claim to see/know witches. Some of those characters include Abigail Williams, Tituba, Mercy Lewis, Ann Putnam, and Betty Parris.

What does Tituba fear in the play The Crucible?

In the play the crucible, Abigail accusesTituba of witchcraft to save herself.Tituba lies and confesses to being in contact with the devil knowing that if she would of fought against it, she would be hanged. Essentially, she feared death.

Who was tituba and why was she accused?
