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Juliet was given the sleeping potion on Tuesday, and was supposed to drink it on Wednesday night, but Lord Capulet changed the wedding date to Wednesday so Juliet drank it Tuesday night. Juliet woke up late Thursday night or early Friday morning and killed herself. So she was sleeping for about two days, forty-two hours to be exact.

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Q: How long was Juliet a sleep?
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How long was Juliet suppost to stay a sleep for?

3 days

How long does friar Laurence expect juliet to sleep as the result of his potion?

Forty-two hours

How long did the poison last that Juliet took?

The one that made her sleep was three days. The one that made her die was forever.

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Friar Laurence tells Juliet that she will appear dead for 42 hours after she drinks the potion, and then she will wake up as if from a pleasant sleep.

What is happening in scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet?

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Juliet's death was in the final act of the play -- after the death of Romeo. Juliet takes a potion that sends her into a deep sleep and makes her appear dead. When romeo finds her, he thinks she is dead and drinks poision. Juliet wakes up from her sleep and finds romeo dead beside her. She kills herself with a dagger because, just as romeo could not live without her, she could not live without him.

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How long is the 1996 movie Romeo and Juliet?

You need to specify which of the several Romeo and Juliet movies you are talking about.

How do you not feel sympathy for Juliet in Romeo and Juliet?

she was stupid enough to take the potion not knowing what it would do to her. for all she knew, it could've poisoned her. she was stupid enough to marry someone she barely knew. she was stupid enough to sleep with someone she barely knew. she was stupid enough to sleep with and marry someone who killed her cousin. bottom line, Juliet was completely stupid.

What is Friar Lawrence's plan for Juliet?

Friar Lawrence gave Juliet a potion that would put Juliet into a coma-like sleep for about two days straight. Everybody would think she was dead. Juliet's relatives would put her in a cellar (their family morgue) and Romeo and himself would be there waiting for her to wake up. Then Romeo and Juliet could live together in Mantua.

What do the capulets do for Juliet?

Juliet is part of the Capulet family, which have long since warred with the Montague family.

Who speaks first rimeo or Juliet?

Romeo, of course, since he appears long before Juliet does