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Q: How many children did ann and thomas putnam have?
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Related questions

What happened to Thomas Putnam and Ann Putnam's family?

Thomas and Ann Putnam's seven children died at birth and their only child Ruth was sick.

Who lost 7 children in the book crucible?

Mrs. Putnam lost 7 children. She believed that witch craft was the cause of their death

What happened to Thomas and Ann Putnams's family?

Thomas and Ann Putnam's seven children died at birth and their only child Ruth was sick.

How did Ann Putnam's children die?

Ann Putnam (of the Salem Witch Trial) never married or had children.

What happened to Thomas and Ann Putnam's family?

Thomas and Ann Putnam were involved in the Salem witch trials in 1692. They accused numerous people of witchcraft, leading to many of them being arrested and some being executed. The Putnams faced backlash and criticism for their role in the trials, which had a lasting impact on their reputation and community standing.

Who are Ann and Thomas Putnam?

they were apart of the Salem witch trials

What do Ann and Thomas Putnam suggest is Betty's problem?

i was wondering you would answer that.

Why does Ann Putnam dislike Rebecca Nurse?

She dislikes Rebecca Nurse because she had 11 children and not one died, while Ann Putnam had eight children and all but one died.

What role did Ann Putnam play in the Dancing in the Forest?

Ann asked her daughter, Ruth, to conjure the spirits of Mrs. Putnam's seven dead children.

In the crucible why is Ann Putnam jealous of Rebecca Nurse?

Ann was jealous because she had not had as many children as Rebcca Nurse, as Rebecca had a huge number.

Why did ann putnam 7 children die?

voldemort killed them all.

Who does ann putnam blame for the death of her kids in the book the crucible?

In "The Crucible," Ann Putnam blames Rebecca Nurse for the deaths of her children. She believes that Rebecca used witchcraft to harm her children, leading to their deaths.