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Q: How many people could the global hold for a performance?
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How many people could the Globe hold for a performance?

1500 - 3000 people

How many people could the General Slocum hold?

It could possibly hold up to a 1,000 people.

How people could the globe theatre hold?

When it first opened the Globe Theatre could hold about 3,000 people.

How many people could the globe theatre hold?

When it first opened the Globe theatre could hold about 3,000 people.

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What structure in ancient Greece could hold 14000 people

How many people did the globe theatre hold?

They say that if it was completely sold out it could hold 3000 people.

What was the capacity of the life boats on the titanic?

The full sized lifeboats could hold 65 people and the collapsible lifeboats could hold 40 people.

How many people could the roman colessum hold compared to a stadium today?

The RomanColosseum can hold up to 50,000 people, while the average football stadium can hold 70,00 people.

What in music means to hold the note till the director says to stop?

To hold a note would mean when you are playing a set of notes in a song or performance you would stop on a specific note to create drama or suspense. That one note could be anything in any given performance.

Circus maximus was an oval arena that could seat approximately?

Julius Caesar remodeled it and enlarged it to hold 150,000 people.

How many people could a roman galley hold?

70 to 80 people could fit in a roman galley

How many people could the titanic life boats hold?

70 people could fit in one boat