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Q: How much money did george and Lennie make?
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Related questions

How much money do George and Lennie have on hand?

George and Lennie have $10 between them.

What is George's first complaint to Lennie?

George's first complaint to Lennie is that he is drinking to much water. George's first complaint to Lennie is that he is drinking to much water.

What does the boss suspect george is doing talking for Lennie?

The boss suspects that George is trying to take advantage of Lennie by speaking for him and making decisions for him, rather than letting Lennie speak for himself. This leads the boss to question George's motives and the nature of their relationship.

What was Georges's first complaint to Lennie?

George's first complaint to Lennie is that he is drinking to much water. George's first complaint to Lennie is that he is drinking to much water.

Why does Crooks force Lennie to imagine life without George?

Crooks forces Lennie to imagine life without George to make him realize the significance of their friendship and how much he relies on George for companionship and guidance. Crooks wants Lennie to understand the possibility of being alone and helpless, hoping to evoke a sense of fear and vulnerability in Lennie. By doing so, Crooks is trying to make Lennie appreciate the bond and support he shares with George.

When they get to where they are going what does george tell Lennie to do?

George tells Lennie to stay quiet and not say anything when they get to where they are going. He wants to make sure Lennie doesn't get them into trouble by saying something inappropriate or revealing too much.

What excuse doe George give Lennie silence?

George sometimes tells people that Lennie is deaf and that is why he doesn't talk much.

Why does Lennie kill George?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Lennie does not kill George. George ultimately makes the difficult decision to shoot Lennie to prevent him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of others after an accidental tragedy Lennie causes. George kills Lennie out of a sense of compassion and mercy.

What does the boss suspect George of doing to Lennie?

The boss is suspicious of Lennie and George because migrating workers never travel together. And because during the whole dialogue George never allows Lennie to answer questions directed towards him.

How does John Steinbeck establish right away how Lennie is dependent on george?

John Steinbeck establishes Lennie's dependency on George by showing Lennie constantly seeking reassurance and guidance from George, as well as relying on him to make decisions and provide for their basic needs, such as finding work and shelter. Lennie's limited mental capacity also makes him vulnerable and in need of George's care and protection.

Why does George stay with Lennie?

George stays with Lennie because he feels a sense of responsibility for him, as Lennie is not able to take care of himself due to his mental disability. Despite Lennie causing George some trouble at times, he also provides George with companionship and a sense of purpose in taking care of someone who depends on him.

How does the boss react to Lennie's silence?

The boss is surprised and suspicious that why is George is answering Lennie's question. Boss thinks Lennie is not much of a talker.- KingOfAll