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Q: How to prepare for extempo speech?
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Related questions

What part of speech is the word prepare?

Prepare is a verb.

What are the types of calypso?

soca, chutney-soca, rapso,extempo

Who is the extempo winner in Trinidad 2010?

Winston "Gypsy" Peters

How do the best public speakers prepare before a speech?

The best public speakers prepare for a speech by not waiting until the last minute to write the speech and they practice it over and over again until they are confident with it.

What is extempo?

ex tempo is a traditional music which is origanted in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago.

How did William prepare for the battle?

he gave an encouriging speech

What part of speech is the word prepared?

Prepare is a verb.

Who prepare the speech of president of India?

central minister

Can you give some tips to prepare a speech on freshers welcome on school?

Speech for college freshers..

What part of speech is can in the sentence The team can prepare for the event or accept the consequences?

In this sentence, "can" is part of the verb, "can prepare."

What is extempo music?

ex tempo is a traditional music which is origanted in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and tobago.

Can you give examples of impromtu speech?

An impromtu speech is something you have to make up in two minutes. its just like public speaking but different because in public speaking you can prepare it but in an impromptu speech you get 2(two) minutes to prepare it then presents it to your audience