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The English of Shakespeare's day had assimilated the succession laws of male primogeniture to such an extent that the succession of a cousin of a king to the throne when there was a legitimate son around seemed unnatural. The same can be said for two similar plays by Shakespeare, Hamlet and Richard III. In both Hamlet and Macbeth the historical societies that gave rise to the stories did not in fact have the system of primogeniture so in the historical cases the succession of a brother or cousin was not considered unnatural. However, Shakespeare's audience would not have known that.

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Q: How would audiences at the time view Macbeth attempt to seize the throne?
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Why did lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to kill macduff's family?

Lady Macbeth does not convince Macbeth to kill Macduffs family. She convinces him to kill the King at the start of the play, but after that she has no input in the decisions he makes. Macbeth chooses to have Macduffs family killed so that he may seize the Macduff castle for his own. The witches also tell him to 'beware Macduff' when he visits them and so he feels threatened by him. Macbeth doesn't actually personally kill Macduffs family either, he hires the same thugs that he hires to assassinate Banquo and Fleance to murder him.

What does Macbeth decide to do at fife?

In Act IV Scene 1 Macbeth, having just heard that Macduff has escaped to England says, "The castle of Macduff I will surprise; seize upon Fife; give to the edge o' the sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line." In the next scene we see this happening. Of course Macbeth himself is not there personally; it is his hired murderers who kill everyone in Macduff's family. Fife is the town where Macduff's castle is, since he is Thane of Fife.

Why does Macbeth kill macdonwald?

Macbeth didn't think Macduff was a threat because the witches said "None of woman born shall harm Macbeth." Macbeth welcomes this good news and, assuming Macduff was born the natural way, Macbeth thinks he has nothing to fear.

The messenger who warns lady macduff could have been sent by lady Macbeth?

The message that the messenger brings to lay Macbeth is that the King (Duncan) is coming tonight and her reaction to this was that she wished that she had more time to plan out what she was going to do. <3 VLA BLOWS "Thou'rt mad to say it: Is not thy master with him? who, were't so, Would have inform'd for preparation." - Lady Macbeth

What was life like when Macbeth was written?

In Shakespeare's 'The Tragedy of Macbeth,' he enjoys a very wealthy lifestyle, and is a high ranking enough to be in the line of succession for the King of Scotland. He and King Duncan were actually kinsmen. Once he had slain Duncan, and several members of his retinue, Duncan's sons fled out the country out of fear, leaving the throne open for Macbeth to seize.

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What act clears the way for Macbeth to become king in Scotland?

The act of King Duncan naming Macbeth as the Prince of Cumberland clears the way for Macbeth to become king in Scotland, as it puts him in line for the throne. This act is seen as a threat by Macbeth, prompting his ambition to seize the crown.

What is the main events Macbeth act 1?

In Act 1 of Macbeth, the witches prophesize Macbeth's rise to power, King Duncan's army wins a battle against rebels, Macbeth receives the title of Thane of Cawdor, Lady Macbeth plans Duncan's murder, and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plot to seize the throne.

What happens to give Lady Macbeth the idea that her husband is killing the king?

Lady Macbeth receives the idea that her husband should kill the king after reading a letter from Macbeth describing the witches' prophecy. The prophecy states that Macbeth will become king, leading Lady Macbeth to convince him to take action and seize the throne.

What happens to Macbeth when Banquo leaves him alone after their late-night conversation in scene 1?

After Banquo leaves, Macbeth is consumed with thoughts of the witches' prophecies and begins to contemplate the idea of killing King Duncan to seize the throne. The temptation to fulfill the prophecies starts to take hold of Macbeth's mind, setting in motion the tragic events that follow.

What deed did Macbeth and lady Macbeth carry out?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth carried out the murder of King Duncan in their quest for power and control over the kingdom. They plotted and executed the deed to fulfill the witches' prophecies and seize the throne for themselves. This act sets in motion a series of tragic events that ultimately lead to their downfall.

How MacBeth's unrestrained ambition destroys his sense of right and wrong?

Macbeth's unrestrained ambition leads him to commit heinous acts, such as murdering King Duncan, to seize the throne. As his ambition grows, Macbeth becomes more paranoid and morally desensitized, unable to distinguish between right and wrong. This ultimately leads to his downfall as he spirals into madness and faces the consequences of his actions.

What takes place at glamis in Macbeth?

In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Glamis is the castle where the play's protagonist, Macbeth, resides at the beginning of the story. Following a prophecy that he will become the King of Scotland, Macbeth murders King Duncan in his chambers at Glamis in order to seize the throne. This act sets off a chain of events that lead to Macbeth's downfall.

What happens After Lady Macbeth reads the letter what does she tell us is her opinion of Macbeth and how does she plan to help him?

After reading the letter, Lady Macbeth expresses her belief that her husband lacks the ruthlessness needed to seize the throne. She plans to help him by manipulating and encouraging him to carry out the murder of King Duncan in order to fulfill the prophecy.

How was king ducan killed?

King Duncan was killed by Macbeth, who stabbed him to death while he was sleeping in his chambers in Macbeth's castle. This act was orchestrated by Lady Macbeth and was part of the plan to seize the throne.

What is lady Macbeth motivation in killing the king?

she talked him into killing the King by accusing Macbeth of being weak and cowardly

You want to be king of Saudi?

I recommend that you recruit an army and seize the throne by force.

Did Macbeth feel that the most difficult part of being King has already been achieved?

Yes, Macbeth initially believes that the most challenging part of becoming king, which is committing regicide to seize the throne, has already been achieved. However, he later realizes that maintaining power and dealing with the consequences of his actions present even greater challenges.