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I believe it means that even though his mistress' outer looks are terrible, he still loves her for who she is.

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Q: In sonnet 130 what does the final couplet say about the speakers feelings?
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What does this final couplet from sonnet 130 suggest about the speakers feeli?

The final couplet in Sonnet 130 suggests that the speaker's feelings towards his mistress are genuine and honest. Despite not conforming with typical standards of beauty, he values her for who she is. This challenges traditional ideals of beauty and emphasizes the sincerity of the speaker's love.

What are the final six lines of a sonnet called?

The last two lines of a Shakespearean sonnet are called a couplet. They are the only adjacent lines which rhyme with each other, the others rhyming alternately. In a Petrarchan sonnet the last two lines form part of a six-line unit called a sestet

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Derek Walcott's Le Loupgarou is a Shakespearean sonnet. It has three riming quatrains and a concluding riming couplet. In a clear majority of cases, a final riming couplet will characterise a Shakespearean sonnet.

What is revealed in the final couplet in sonnet 73?

The final couplet in Sonnet 73 reveals the speaker's hope that despite the ravages of time on his body, his love for the recipient of the sonnet will endure beyond death in the memory of the recipient. It emphasizes the idea that love can transcend physical decay and live on through the remembrance of those who loved deeply.


As with many of Shakespeare's sonnets, the turn comes just before the final couplet.

How many types of sonnets?

There are two main types of sonnets: the Italian/Petrarchan sonnet and the English/Shakespearean sonnet. The Italian sonnet consists of an octave followed by a sestet, while the English sonnet consists of three quatrains and a final couplet.

Where in an English sonnet is the resolution or explanation?

The resolution or explanation in an English sonnet typically appears in the final couplet, where the poet often offers a conclusion, a twist, or a resolution to the topic or argument presented in the previous twelve lines. This couplet often provides a new perspective or a resolution to the problem or dilemma posed in the earlier part of the sonnet.

In which part of a Shakespearean sonnet is the main idea of the sonnet dramatically restated?

The main idea of a Shakespearean sonnet is typically restated in the couplet at the end of the sonnet. This final two-line stanza often provides a surprising or profound conclusion that captures the essence of the poem's theme.

Does English sonnets end with rhyming couplet?

Yes, English sonnets typically end with a rhyming couplet. The rhyme scheme for an English sonnet is usually ABABCDCDEFEFGG, where the final two lines rhyme with each other.

What is a final couplet?

The last couplet.

How would you express in todays English what Spenser says in the closing couplet of Sonnet 26?

The final couplet of Spenser's Sonnet 26 says: "Why then should I account of little pain,/That endless pleasure shall unto me gain." This means that things worth having are worth putting some effort into acquiring.

What are the most common sonnets?

The most common sonnet forms are the Petrarchan (or Italian) sonnet and the Shakespearean (or English) sonnet. The Petrarchan sonnet consists of an octave followed by a sestet, while the Shakespearean sonnet is composed of three quatrains and a final rhymed couplet.