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No, but a number of operas written with recitative and, or spoken dialogue have been performed with this cut-out. This usually means that the story does not make real sense and upsets the balance of the performance.

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Q: Is recitative the most important part of an opera from a musical standpoint?
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What is a recitative?

It is defined as - a declamatory speech-like singing used esp. in opera or oratorio for advancing the plot and/or a passage or part of a musical score given in this form.or: a number from an opera that moves the story along

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Conversational singing in an opera is called?

Conversational singing in opera is called recitative. It is very frequent in Mozart's Italian operas, where the entire opera is sung, so the recitative is meant to act as a form of sung dialogue.

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Please rephrase - the question is unclear.Music is a part of opera. Opera is a stage play in which all the dialogue is sung with musical accompaniment. The difference is that opera needs music but music doesn't need opera.

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What is an Recitative in an oratorio?

The declamative part of the opera, like the regular dialogue that moves the plot forward

What is a sung speech in opera called?

Sung speech is called recitative, or as it is generally know, recitativo.

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musical, opera maybe?

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