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I'm not sure if there is a name, and I'm not sure if it matters much. So much of it is so beautiful, and part of its beauty is it takes us beyond words! For a taste, try Rumi's shorter poems.

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Q: Is there a name for meditative poetry?
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What is meditative poems?

Meditative poems are contemplative and introspective works that encourage reflection and mindfulness in the reader. They often explore themes related to nature, spirituality, and the human experience, providing a space for quiet introspection and insight.

A sentence for meditative?

"Watching the water ripple in the pond put the boy into a meditative state."

What are audible pauses not typically found in metaphysical poetry?

Audible pauses, like caesuras and enjambment, are not typically found in metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical poetry tends to focus on a harmonious flow of ideas and intricate metaphors, with a more regular rhythm and structure. The use of abrupt pauses or enjambment can disrupt the meditative and contemplative tone often associated with metaphysical poetry.

How is the word 'meditative' used in a sentence?

I am in a meditative mood: instead of *doing*, I will sit and watch my thoughts and emotions.

What is a meditative poem?

A meditative poem is any poem which helps to bring you closer to yourself, to silence, to self-awareness. Perhaps the best example of a meditative poet is Rumi, a Sufi mystic. Try his short poems.

What is the name for poetry written in stanzas that have both rhyme and meter?

The general name for such writings is 'poetry'.

What themes did Robinson explore in poetry?

Robinson explored themes of nature, beauty, love, death, and the complexities of human emotions in his poetry. He often delved into the struggles and triumphs of individuals grappling with societal expectations and personal conflicts. His introspective and meditative style captured the essence of the human experience with a focus on melancholy and introspection.

What does the name simirin mean?

simirin is really not recorded as any name, however there were some similar like; smirin and simran which is a girls name meaning "Meditative in god, remembrance"

What are the invented forms of poetry?

Parody Acrostic Name Poetry Concrete Poetry Clerihew Poetry alphabet poetry definition poetry loop poetry phrase/preposition poetry list poetry terse verse contrast couplet

What is the name for poetry that was sung by individuals and accompanied by either a lyre or flute?

melic poetry

What is the definition of musing?

To be meditative. Absorbed in thought.

What is a sentence using meditative?

Any act can be done in a meditative way: washing dishes, walking, painting a wall. Wax on, wax off, young grasshopper.