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Shakespeare wrote all of his plays, although he sometimes had help. The evidence for this is overwhelming, and there is no evidence to the contrary. However, Shakespeare wrote hardly any of the stories those plays are based on. He used stories he had read in books and changed them slightly to make them better plays. And of course he put wonderful words into the mouths of the characters. But he did not make up stories, with only a few exceptions--the plots of A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest appear to be original.

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What other stories did William Shakespeare write apart from Romeo and Juliet?

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I think you are labouring under the misapprehension that William Shakespeare wrote one thing. He didn't. He wrote many things, some of which are not based on anything, and others are based on classical stories, history, myth, other plays, and even current events. Although people sometimes use the word "Shakespeare" to describe all or some of Shakespeare's works, its use in this context is incorrect. Shakespeare is the man's name; if you want to talk about his works, use their names.

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Shakespeare wrote all his plays in England. They are not all set in England, though.

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What is similar about all the plays that shakespeare wrote?

They are all divided into five acts.

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Shakespeare wrote all of his plays in London. Where exactly in London is an open question.