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This is a very controversial question, because so many people would give you such varying answers, you would have to choose how you feel towards little girls' beauty pageants yourself.

One way to look at it: Beauty pageants should actually be called something else, because beauty isn't really what the contestants are judged on. They are judged on such things as poise, posture, personality, confidence, being photogenic, intelligence, talent, interview responses, eye contact with the judges, stage presence, how well they perform in front of an audience, how they walk, stand, carry themselves across the stage, how articulate they are, their smiles, and so much more. It all depends on the pageant and the things the judges are told to judge the contestants on.

But remember, before the girls can perform all these things well, they have to learn how to. These things they learn are invaluable in life - career, job interviews, how they come across to people in all walks of life. They also learn a very important lesson in life: 1) That you don't win everything. 2) Everything doesn't always go your way. 3) How to accept and react/respond to being judged about anything in life. 4) If you aren't the "chosen one" in any situation, it isn't the end of the world and to keep trying. 5) They learn how to deal with failures, disappointments, losses in life. 6) They learn that so much in life is competitive and often who wins and who loses is merely due to the odds.

Then, on the other hand, you will hear people say these children are being exploited. 1) They see them as marketing tools; used to make money. 2) They are being deprived of their innocent childhood. (Most girls go to some sort of modeling, etc. class once a week and practice an hour or so a day. Contests can require a long or short drive, but nonetheless only takes a day out of their childhood, usually on weekends and then, not usually every weekend.) 3) It causes them to be too self-conscious about their looks, makeup, build, etc. (Isn't most females very conscious about their apprearance?) 4) It hinders their psychological and emotional growth. 5) It teaches them that being sexy is the be-all and end-all of being female.

There are many conflicts between all the pros and cons and each can cancel out the other. So there you have it: you have to decide for yourself how you feel about children's beauty pageants.

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Q: Should little girls be in beauty pageants?
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Are beauty pagents for little girls good?

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It is impossible to know how many girls are entered into beauty pageants because there are so many different pageants, and some girls start entering them at very young ages. Still, only a small percentage of girls enter pageants, and still fewer make it to the big name pageants like Miss America, Miss USA, etc.

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Unfortunately yes, they do.

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Child beatuy pageants are exploitative, pressurizing children to adopt semi-sexualized adult mannerisms that they do not fully understand and enforcing the message that physical appearance is all that is important. :)

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There is one near Melbourne, for girls and boys with ages up to 13. It is called the 'Little Miss Bayside Pageant'.

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No one is forced to take part.

Can you enter beauty pageants online?

Yes! Absolutely. A good pageant to enter for younger girls is Dream Girls USA. Most pageants do have a online entry form so most pageants in the USA will have a online entry form. If you have any other questions on pageants feel free to ask me!

Are child beauty pageants fun?

It depends on the person, be careful though because many young girls that participate in child beauty pageants end up having body image issues such as anorexia or bulimia.

How many girls enter beauty pageants a year?

alot and omg are they hot. as hot as you ever seen them!

Does child beauty pageants lead to child abuse?

They are not bad. Just because a certain person doesnt like pageants (even if that's you) doesnt mean that the mothers abuse their kids. Pageant girls LOVE pageants. I wacth pageant shows ALL the time and I have NEVER heard a girl say "I hate pageants. I want to quit".

What is a good name for a beauty pageant?

good names for pageants are should be something that will catch a contestants eye. a good won might be "glitzy girls of America" or it can be something that tells people what its about such as the American coed pageants. something that sounds fun and would be a good title to hold. or something that just sounds cute and catchy. :)