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A counterexample is a specific case in which a statement is false.

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Q: Specific case in which a statement is false?
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is this statement true or false BC?

If the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then "This statement is false" is true, making the statement false. But if the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then... It's one of the biggest paradoxes ever, just like saying, "I'm lying right now."

What is the term for a specific case that shows a conjecture is false?

Counter example

What is the flowchart C program to check wether a given character is vowel or not using switch case?

Switch case can be flowcharted using a diamond for each case, with a right branch for true and a down branch for false. The false branch simply connects to the next case. The true branch connects to the statement that should be executed for that case. Where multiple cases result in the same statement, the true branches should converge upon that statement. The execution path from the statement(s) should converge with the final false branch of the switch case. In this case, your switch case might be as as follows: print %letter% switch lowercase (%letter%) { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': print line " is vowel" break; default: print line " is not vowel" } Thus you will have a column of diamonds for each case with false branches linking downwards from one diamond to the next. The statement for case 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o' and 'u' is the same, so their true branches (extending to the right) will converge upon the 'print line " is vowel"' statement which must be placed to the right of the case diamonds. The default case's true branch leads to the 'print line " is not vowel"' statement. Both these statements will then converge with the false branch from the default case, marking the end of the switch case. Note that, logically, there is no false branch from a default case, thus this link may be omitted. However, all links from all statements must still converge below the default case.

What optional statement can be used in a case structure to execute statements when all other conditions are false?

default : <statement>; i.e. switch (value) { case 1 : do_this(); break; case 2 : do_that(); break; default : do_whatever(); }

Can a statement be true or false?

Yes, a statement can be true or false but without knowing what the statement is no-one can possibly say whether it is true or it is false.

This statement is false brain teaser?

Let us consider "This statement is false." This quotation could also be read as "This, which is a statement, is false," which could by extent be read as "This is a statement and it is false." Let's call this quotation P. The statement that P is a statement will be called Q. If S, then R and S equals R; therefore, if Q, then P equals not-P (since it equals Q and not-P). Since P cannot equal not-P, we know that Q is false. Since Q is false, P is not a statement. Since P says that it is a statement, which is false, P itself is false. Note that being false does not make P a statement; all things that are statements are true or false, but it is not necessarily true that all things that are true or false are statements. In summary: "this statement is false" is false because it says it's a statement but it isn't.

Is the following a statement This statement is false?

The answer depends on your definition of statement, It is a grammatical correct English declarative sentence which may be a statement by one definition. However, in logic, a statement is defined to be a sentence that is either true or false but not both. This sentence is not a statement by this definition.It is neither true nor false, because if is true, since it says it is false, it is false. If it is false. then is true since that is exactly what it says.Please see the related question for more about this famous paradox.

What is a statement that shows conjecture is false?

A counter example is a statement that shows conjecture is false.

IT is false or true declaration is a statement made in private?

False. A declaration is a public statement.

24 divided by 6 equals 4 is this a generalization about dividends and quotients for whole numbers?

No. It is a statement of a particular instance when the three numbers in the statement have specific values. Change any one of them and the statement becomes false.

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