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Parris wants to save his reputation while Hale wants to save the people.

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Q: The Crucible How is Reverend hale a foil to Reverend Parris?
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What is foil character in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Reverend Parris and Reverend Hale.

Why does parris send for the reverend hale?

Reverend Parris is a character in Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible. He sent for Reverend Hale because Parris needed an expert on witchcraft and he wanted Reverend Hale's help in hunting down witches.

In the novel 'The Crucible' Reverend Parris summons Reverend Hale to Salem when Betty is sick because?

He is an expert at witchcraft.

Who is revvrand hale in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Reverend Hale is a minister from Beverly who is an expert in demonic arts. Rev. Parris asks Rev. Hale to investigate the situation in Salem.

Who is reverend john hale related to?

Reverend John Hale is Related to Reverend Sameul Parris. :)

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What characters in The Crucible are conformists and which are nonconformists?

John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey are the main nonconformists in The Crucible. Reverend John Hale, Ezekiel Cheever, Reverend Samuel Parris, Betty Parris, Mary Warren, Thomas Putnam, and Ann Putnam are the conformists.

Why does Reverend Parris summon Reverend Hale to Salem?

He is an expert on witchcraft.

Who said There is a prodigious danger in the seeking out of loose spirits from the crucible?

Rebecca Nurse says this line to Parris before Reverend John Hale arrives.

Who has parris asked to come to Salem?

Reverend Hale

Why does Rebecca nurse leave the room when reverend Hale begins his diagnosis of Betty Parris?

Reverend Hale makes her uncomfortable

Who has Rev Parris sent for help his daughter?

Reverend Hale