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Robert Browning' s "Last Ride Together" is a monologue of a rejected lover that expresses his undying love for his beloved. The title apparently gives out the notion that this is their last ride together. Nevertheless, what the speaker signifies is that he has lived all his life in this ride, with the all-sufficing splendor of love. The poem echoes the 'carpe diem' motif of seizing the present. He affirms that he is well-acquainted with his past. Even so, hitherto all that his life stood for, comes to naught when it comes to his unrequited love. His love is unselfish and does not avail of anything unreasonable, it is truly blessed with pride and happiness in having the Last ride with her which would endow him with the joy of a lifetime. For this, he would even handover his most priced possession- the hope of love, that inspired him to live on. If gifted with the Ride, he guarantees that he will be content with just the memory of the hope that inspired him to go on.

The Lady bent her brows to this entreaty; pity smoothening the pride had filled her dark eyes. The moment of her decision was a crucial point for the poet, as though he hung between life and death; and the colour left his face for a splitting second. However, the positive signal replenishes the blood at once. He is euphoric regarding the prospects of riding with her while the present lasted. And he states that he is deified or exalted for one more day, because one never knows when the world might end.

The poet subsequently refers to their physical proximity, implying that the word 'ride' has sexual connotations. The poet informs her that if the she witnesses the Western cloud with its bosom laden with blessings; if she encounters the sun's, moon's and evening stars all at once, it is just because heaven has descended upon them. The poet pleads with her to leave her consciousness aside, and let passion draw her "Cloud, sunset, moonrise, star-shine too, "That they rise above the distinctions of the flesh to a spiritual union. She comes closer to the speaker with mixed emotions of joy and fear.

The poet dwells on the significance of the present in the next stanza as he concentrates on the ride. He contemplates on why people attach so much significance to the past and future, than focusing on the present. His soul that was hitherto a long "scramped scroll " smoothens itself out .The metaphor connotes living life to the fullest in elation and ecstasy for the moment. The scroll freshens and flutters in the wind in intense euphoria. Why does one get carried way by past actions:

Had I said that, had I done this,

So might I gain, so might I miss.

Why do people leave room, for doubts, suspicions, failure, misgivings that haunt the present instead of protecting it, and distracting the same. One should breathe each moment as though there is no room for regret. For him at the moment there was no truth save:

And here we are riding, she and I.

The speaker anticipated no 'real' love from his ladylove. He had failed in word and deeds. He consoles himself that all men do strive for success, but who achieves it? His spirit was still on a high with regard to the present, as they encountered unknown avenues during the course of their ride. The speaker asserts that the "the world rushed by on either side.". That is, the world seemed to rush past because the poet was caught in the moment in slow motion. The world that was caught up in worldly pursuits continued with it, in spite of the failures they encountered. Yet, what compensates them for the petty present is the hopeful future that promises vast opportunities .Likewise, the poet temporarily goes against his own dictum, suddenly wishing that if she would ever love him back. He thus contradicts himself proving that hope is instinctive and universal. It cannot be traded for anything in the world, in spite of ourselves.

What hand and brain went ever paired?

What heart alike conceived and dared?

What act proved all its thought had been?

What will but felt the fleshly screen?

The poet asserts that the hand(practice) and brain(thought) never went perfectly paired. The heart never dared to give vent to the true emotions that it fostered. No act even could prove the intention behind the same. What hand and brain went ever paired? He deems himself to be in no way lesser to the statesman, soldier, soft, sculptor and musician. In fact, his riding is superior to all the above-said acts.

In this second stanza, he compares the Ride to the act of composing poetry. The difference is that the Poet expressed what the normal person felt. The poets idealize certain things and places them in to rhyme, the image and rhyme co-existing side-by-side . However, the speaker quips whether the Poet's own life was as beautiful as he portrayed in poetry. Whether in reality the Poet was stricken with poverty or ailments or old age. It was perhaps his tragedies that contributed to an iota of his sublime.

Are you---poor, sick, old ere your time---

Nearer one whit your own sublime

Though the speaker prefers the Ride, as the ride entails only joy compared to the poets singing. Ironically the speaker is a Poet himself in reality.

The sculptor turns years to lock the beauty of Venus in his artistic creation, but it is of no practical use. The sculptor has devoted years of service to Art.The speaker personifies Art, and sculptor as the slave of Art. All this servility comes to nothing, because a person is more attracted towards domestic reality, his gaze immediately shifts from the statue of Venus to a dame that waddles(fords) through a spring of water(burn).The Sculptor acquiesces, he accepts fate reluctantly but without protest. On the other hand, shouldn't the speaker openly express his discontent? The significance of being a musician also pales in comparison. The musician whiles way his best years in music, while music too has its own fashions and one kind of music may not appeal to another generation. His only reward appears to be praise from a friend. The speaker too has sacrificed his youth, but he rides fine because it endows upon him the bliss of a lifetime.

Only God knows what lies in store for us. Had the poet resigned himself to fate, and fate proposed bliss, he would not have found himself in a lofty position.for the poet writes best when he is sad. Nevertheless one has to live a life beyond this 'destined' life ,have his own share of ecstasy. One should descry these hitherto unexplored avenues of bliss. His feet seem to planted on the goal, and glory steady around one's neck in such an instance. Earth being so good, would heaven seem best?: asks the poet in a rhetorical question. He implies that if earth were good as people said it was, then how was it that heaven was the superlative. But now the experience itself has transcended the object and result of the experience as he declares:

"Now, heaven and she are beyond this ride."

The beloved has not spoken to him, throughout the ride. What if heaven is that life at its fairest and strongest. With the eyes focused towards the first fruition that always imparts unending joy. Being fixed in eternity, one need not be flexible. What if they ride on, old with experience, but ever-new in essence. Altered not in the kind, but in degree: not in quantity but in quality. In such an instance, a single instant is transformed into eternity. And lastly, what if, they could forever 'ride' without worrying about action, intention or inclination.

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Manjesh Kaushik

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I said---Then, dearest, since 'tis so,

Since now at length my fate I know,

Since nothing all my love avails,

Since all, my life seemed meant for, fails,

Since this was written and needs must be---

My whole heart rises up to bless

Your name in pride and thankfulness!

Take back the hope you gave,---I claim

---Only a memory of the same,

---And this beside, if you will not blame,

Your leave for one more last ride with me.


My mistress bent that brow of hers;

Those deep dark eyes where pride demurs

When pity would be softening through,

Fixed me, a breathing-while or two,

With life or death in the balance: right!

The blood replenished me again;

My last thought was at least not vain:

I and my mistress, side by side

Shall be together, breathe and ride,

So, one day more am I deified.

Who knows but the world may end tonight?


Hush! if you saw some western cloud

All billowy-bosomed, over-bowed

By many benedictions---sun's

And moon's and evening-star's at once---

And so, you, looking and loving best,

Conscious grew, your passion drew

Cloud, sunset, moonrise, star-shine too,

Down on you, near and yet more near,

Till flesh must fade for heaven was here!---

Thus leant she and lingered---joy and fear!

Thus lay she a moment on my breast.


Then we began to ride. My soul

Smoothed itself out, a long-cramped scroll

Freshening and fluttering in the wind.

Past hopes already lay behind.

What need to strive with a life awry?

Had I said that, had I done this,

So might I gain, so might I miss.

Might she have loved me? just as well

She might have hated, who can tell!

Where had I been now if the worst befell?

And here we are riding, she and I.


Fail I alone, in words and deeds?

Why, all men strive and who succeeds?

We rode; it seemed my spirit flew,

Saw other regions, cities new,

As the world rushed by on either side.

I thought,---All labour, yet no less

Bear up beneath their unsuccess.

Look at the end of work, contrast

The petty done, the undone vast,

This present of theirs with the hopeful past!

I hoped she would love me; here we ride.


What hand and brain went ever paired?

What heart alike conceived and dared?

What act proved all its thought had been?

What will but felt the fleshly screen?

We ride and I see her bosom heave.

There's many a crown for who can reach,

Ten lines, a statesman's life in each!

The flag stuck on a heap of bones,

A soldier's doing! what atones?

They scratch his name on the Abbey-stones.

My riding is better, by their leave.


What does it all mean, poet? Well,

Your brains beat into rhythm, you tell

What we felt only; you expressed

You hold things beautiful the best,

And pace them in rhyme so, side by side.

'Tis something, nay 'tis much: but then,

Have you yourself what's best for men?

Are you---poor, sick, old ere your time---

Nearer one whit your own sublime

Than we who never have turned a rhyme?

Sing, riding's a joy! For me, I ride.


And you, great sculptor---so, you gave

A score of years to Art, her slave,

And that's your Venus, whence we turn

To yonder girl that fords the burn!

You acquiesce, and shall I repine?

What, man of music, you grown grey

With notes and nothing else to say,

Is this your sole praise from a friend,

``Greatly his opera's strains intend,

``Put in music we know how fashions end!''

I gave my youth; but we ride, in fine.


Who knows what's fit for us? Had fate

Proposed bliss here should sublimate

My being---had I signed the bond---

Still one must lead some life beyond,

Have a bliss to die with, dim-descried.

This foot once planted on the goal,

This glory-garland round my soul,

Could I descry such? Try and test!

I sink back shuddering from the quest.

Earth being so good, would heaven seem best?

Now, heaven and she are beyond this ride.


And yet---she has not spoke so long!

What if heaven be that, fair and strong

At life's best, with our eyes upturned

Whither life's flower is first discerned,

We, fixed so, ever should so abide?

What if we still ride on, we two

With life for ever old yet new,

Changed not in kind but in degree,

The instant made eternity,---

And heaven just prove that I and she

Ride, ride together, for ever ride?

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the poem Last ride together is a poem of romantic of romantics where love is silent but heart is spaking its obsevation.

Koushik Bhattacharyya.

Ex student of Burdwan University

M.A ( English)

Now Kolkata

| Posted on 2011-12-23 | by a guest

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this poem is one of the master piece by Robert shows the optimistic thought of the poet.i like it very much


| Posted on 2011-04-24 | by a guest

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The Last ride Together is the masterpiece,the human beings should realize it is satisfactory for them if they are able to express true love to their lovers.

| Posted on 2011-04-24 | by a guest

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One of the noblest love lyric of Browning, it is a poem of unrequitted love expressing the noblest resignation. The lover accepts faith, has no despair, and is not disloyal to be ideal.

He is taking the last walk with his mistress, whom he loves, of course, and he knows that it is the last day they are together. He watches each and every thing about her, so as to entrap all the moments of joy within his memories.

| Posted on 2011-03-22 | by a guest

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The Last Ride Together is referring to the last time he had sex with his mistress before they went their ways. She rejects his love, but not the opportunity of thier lovers tryst they have been engaging it. This is the writers reflection on how he loved her, but took what he could get

| Posted on 2011-03-09 | by a guest

.: :.

Assalam o alaikum,here is Rabia Irshad

the last ride together is Browning\'s masterpiece.

It depicts true love

Thank you

Rabia Irshad from Mian Channu(3rd year)

| Posted on 2011-01-21 | by a guest

.: :.

I think it is a strage poem.. In which lover is acting in an unconventional manner.. Usually a common person does not react like the speaker of the poem.. For an ordinary person it is very insulting that someone rejects his love.. But here, he is talking,requesting and wishing to the lady..


| Posted on 2011-01-09 | by a guest

.: :.

Syede shadab fatima is stupid girl of our class she is over confidence nd speaks too much loudly her views should not be acceptable she z soo hot nd sexy :-) syed qadir shah student of 3rd year sindh uni jamshoro

| Posted on 2010-10-16 | by a guest

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the last ride together is an artistic piece of art of brownings poetry. in which he realizes the true lover of that time who does nt want any other thing bt the some time with her beloved and want to enjoy these movements. SUMAIYYA AHMADANI STUDENT OF SINDH UNIVERSITY JAMSHORO SINDH Pakistan

| Posted on 2010-10-12 | by a guest

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it is a very fine piece of browning\'poetry.a very true lover of that time,he does not want anything except only few moments of her very short periods of time,he lived a whole life.great!i salute browing for this lovely poem.VANDANA AJAY RATHOR,BETUL

| Posted on 2010-10-09 | by a guest

.: :.

love, tenderness, sensitivity, perfection, hope, exiticy, joyness, affection, hope and how to live a life in moments is shown in BROWNING,S poem THE LAST RIDE TOGETHER,,, no doubt it is in monologue form but BROWING while writing this poem is talking with his beloved in his heart don,t even knowing she also feels a deep affection for him in the same way he know that he loves her alot but don,t want anything back from her just a ride.... nevertheless it is not a life time ride but ride in which he is living his whole life....


| Posted on 2010-09-27 | by a guest

.: :.

love, tenderness, sensitivity, perfection, hope, exiticy, joyness, affection, hope and how to live a life in moments is shown in BROWNING,S poem THE LAST RIDE TOGETHER,,, no doubt it is in monologue form but BROWING while writing this poem is talking with his beloved in his heart don,t even knowing she also feels a deep affection for him in the same way he know that he loves her alot but don,t want anything back from her just a ride.... nevertheless it is not a life time ride but ride in which he is living his whole life....


| Posted on 2010-09-27 | by a guest

.: :.

Browning\'s Last Ride Together is a superb example of dramatic browning shows the present time which is important becoz the past is lost future is not seen by any one its only present where we are.Browning believes that god has ctreated this life,earthly life is only probation for the path of eternal life.Achievement shouldnot be our prime concern.And this way browning is totally right,but it may be some different for that practical or so called worldly minded people.

kaderi kibria (Raiganj,U/Dinajpur)

| Posted on 2010-07-30 | by a guest

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I am sure if the writer would have replaced the word mistress with friend it would have been more palatable and amicable.The word mistress conjures up a damned picture!A touching way of man's passion that is rooted deep within... Hmmm.

Ambalicka Jacob. Patiala.

| Posted on 2010-06-28 | by a guest

.: :.

The poem of the last ride together has two meaning that are sexual meaning and love meaning . As we are students in -AL- AQSA UNIVERSIT, we should study the meaning of love but according to our morals . This poem deals with situation love between two lovers . Whereas, The narrator looks at this world optimistic vision becouse he can not reach to his hopes . He tries to reach his lovely but he can not . In same time, it deals with the conflict between classes of society . Whereas, the narrator lives the lower class but his lovely lives in the higher class so that,he can not arrive to her. TAREQ -EL-BARBARAWI IN AL AQSA UNIVERSITY

| Posted on 2010-05-25 | by a guest

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This is important to note that Browning studies all his characters in a crucial situation. His mastery lies in th fact that he brings out real characters under tremendous pressure.He sees how do characters behave in abnormal situation.Then,Some truths come to th tangible surface. This gives a vent to numerous psychological analysis.Under huge emotional, complex stress ppl behave something abnormal and suprisingly in modern science we detect reality from eccentricity or from incoherent attitude. . The poet could read modern mind well before some one else could think. . Sadiq Dhaka

| Posted on 2010-05-23 | by a guest

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Like Rabbi Ezra this poem has got an optimistic breath. Idealising love as a great source of consolation. I think like Shelly's West wind this poem usher in th possibility of an enlightened and like Arnold , th poet holds love as th only hope to guard against all types of imperfctions of life.It is a sweet poem which may give us momentary shelter to a better world than we do have. Sadiq Dhaka

| Posted on 2010-05-23 | by a guest

.: :.

Rabbi Ezra this poem has got an optimistic breath. Idealising love as a great source of consolation. I think like Shelly's West wind this poem usher in th possibility of an enlightened and like Arnold , th poet holds love as th only hope to guard against all types of imperfctions of life.It is a sweet poem which may give us momentary shelter to a better world than we do have. Sadiq Dhaka

| Posted on 2010-05-23 | by a guest

.: :.

This poem as a work of literature is exceptional, yet if we consider it in modern times this is certainly a peice of overstrained victorian romantic love poem which though depicts the love of the lover towards his beloved in extremism, gets seperated,never to be together again.

Yavanika x university,Noida.

| Posted on 2010-04-21 | by a guest

.: :.

This poem as a work of literature is exceptional, yet if we consider it in modern times this is certainly a peice of overstrained victorian romantic love poem which though depicts the love of the lover towards his beloved in extremism, gets seperated,never to be together again.

Yavanika x university,Noida.

| Posted on 2010-04-21 | by a guest

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the last ride together is a poem of an exeptional lover and he just wants to address that we should lead an optimistic life in any circumstances.please dont call him a fool

| Posted on 2010-03-04 | by a guest

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salam! this is azhar form karachi . I wana say that this poem is Browning's master piece.

form: Muhammad Azhar(M.A .English karachi)

| Posted on 2009-12-16 | by a guest

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Excellent poem, shows the way to be optimistic, in your grave adversities.

Gaurav (M.A.English)

Khalsa Collage (Amritsar)

| Posted on 2009-11-05 | by a guest

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The Last Ride Together is surely a wonderful creation of Browning.The past is surely lost,the future is unborn and unpredictable,so,it is only the present which really matters.One must not give way to despair on account of failure in love.This philosophy is excellently delivered by Browning in the poem.

| Posted on 2009-10-14 | by a guest

.: :.

The Last Ride Together is surely a wonderful creation of Browning.The past is surely lost,the future is unborn and unpredictable,so,it is only the present which really matters.One must not give way to despair on account of failure in love.This philosophy is excellently delivered by Browning in the poem.

| Posted on 2009-10-14 | by a guest

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the last ride together is a very optimistic poem in which poet is telling us to be happy and satisfied even if we unable to get what we want.its a very simple and a masterpiece of english poetry

aniket das gupta


punjab university,chandigarh

| Posted on 2009-08-28 | by a guest

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" Last Ride Together' is a good poem to read but Browning's philosophy of love is not convincing at all. A lover gets rejected harshly and feels elated to have a last ride together with the babe!!?why? Is he a mad? If he feels so then we must agree that he doeen't love the girl at instance, no example of hopefullness can console a true love who gets rejected.

Samarpan Das

English Dept.

Moinaguri College

| Posted on 2009-08-24 | by a guest

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RobertBrowning's 'The Last Ride Together' deals with an impossible situation in love making. No lover after being rejected by his lady-love can react so calmly and philosophically as the lover has done in Browning's poem. Either he did not love the girl at all. Or he might have been a hypocrite to justify his unreturned love. Or at best we may call him mad. His faith in Heaven is not clearly stated in the poem. In Browning's own life, such incident of rejection has not occurred. He loved, he came to propose and he conquered his beloved. He led a happy love life like Spenser or Donne. Usually such situation is fortunate in rare cases. The lover gets what he wants. Browning had no such personal experiences of frustrated love. So his portrayal of the lover's character is not convincing.

Dr.Ratan Bhattacharjee , Nagerbazar

| Posted on 2009-06-05 | by a guest

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this poem shows the optimism of Robbert Browning as he has shown in The Prospice. Where everybody weeps out at the time of sepretion Robbert tells us to feel like heaven at this time and we should enjoy this time as much as we can. we should not be disappointed after sepretion. we should keep this time of sepration as the best time of our relationship because we enjoyed it a lot.when we will keep this time as a sweet memory of life, this time will give positive energy only

| Posted on 2009-06-02 | by a guest

.: :.

the last ride is a sexual means a last sexual intercourse with his mistress.

with this in mind read again and you would agree.

| Posted on 2008-08-30 | by a guest

.: Review :.

The lover hoped to get his beloved, but he gets only the last ride with her. Now he hopes to get her in the heaven. The Heaven has great charm for him. Then He indulges in optimistic thoughts. He compares his lot with others. He considers himself no way inferior to a statesman, soldier, soft, sculptor and musician.It seems by doing so he tries to remain happy and contented with whatever he gets and hopes for a better future. He wants to enjoy every moment of this ride. As it is the most significant and the happiest day of his life. And after this the next meeting is may be scheduled in heaven.

| Posted on 2008-03-25 | by a guest

.: :.

There may be of course something very common between THE LAST RIDE TOGETHER and other poems written by Browning but but still we canmnot miss the contrast. Perhaps in no ther poems of his we ever come across more vividly the self sacrificing nature of the male sex and it certainly makes a difference

| Posted on 2008-01-19 | by a guest

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This is a dramatic monologue as is most of Brownings poetry. This poem is about a man (who is the speaker) who asks his mistress ( who seems to be the listener but the listner could be ambigius) for one last ride and she agrees to one last ride together. Language in the poem seems to sugggest that he is dying and this is his last wish or that he feels he can't live with out his mistress. the lines are in an aa,bb,c,dd,eee,c rhyme scheme. Part of the men and women collection and browing refers to art and love in the poem which is one of his intentions to explore.

| Posted on 2005-12-06 | by Approved Guest

.: Browning :.

When Browning explored the type of the jealous and possessive male in "Porphyria's Lover" and "My Last Duchess," he drew on Shakespeare's treatment of this type in the character of Othello and also Leontes in The Winter's Tale. The drama of Othello, in which the misguided hero murders his wife, seems to me particularly important to "Porphyria's Lover." In Othello, the eponymous protagonist is a romantic and passionate figure whose active and impressionable imagination is easily stimulated by Iago's calumny against Desdemona. Othello's romanticism is glimpsed early on in the play in a lyrical speech made as he disembarks after a stormy voyage and is reunited with his bride.

| Posted on 2005-05-10 | by Approved Guest

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certainly not. the key focus of this poem is enjoying the companionship of his lover for the final time, in their "last ride" together.

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9y ago

â??The Last Ride Togetherâ?? is a poem by Robert Browning. It describes the end of a love affair from the perspective of the person who was rejected.

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Give a Critical appreciation on Robert browning' the last ride together?

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What influenced Robert Browning to write poetry?

My Last Duchess is a dramatic monologue by Robert Browning. As monologue, only one person appears in the poem who speaks with himself. Being dramatic, it unfolds an excellent drama, bit by bit, without the aid of another character present, except the one who narrates the story.

What are some of the most famous dramatic monologues?

Some of the most famous dramatic monologues are My Last Duchess by Robert Browning and Jenny by Dante Gabriel. Also, famous dramatic monologues include - The Stronger by August Strindberg and Landscape by Harold Pinter.

What is Robert Browning's 'My Last Duchess' about?

Browning's "My Last Duchess" is a dramatic monologue, that is, a poem supposedly told from the perspective of a certain person, whose personality is revealed in the course of the poem. In this poem, a rich nobleman (Duke) of the Italian Renaissance is showing a guest his art collection. When he gets to a certain painting, he says that it is of his "last duchess," meaning the one who is no longer living. He explains how he loved her but she stopped pleasing him at some point because she no longer looked especially happy to see him, any happier than she generally looked. He wanted her to smile especially at him. Finally, he says that he gave a command and "all smiles stopped together," in the poem's famous line. His lack of any sadness or remorse as he tells the story is further sign of his cruelty.

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The poem "The Last Ride Together" by Robert Browning was written in dramatic monologue form. This means that it is a poem where a single speaker addresses a silent listener, revealing their inner thoughts and emotions.

Critical appreciation of last ride together?

"Last Ride Together" is a poem by Robert Browning that explores themes of love, fate, and the acceptance of life's uncertainties. The speaker's decision to enjoy a final horseback ride with his lover before parting ways symbolizes a fleeting moment of happiness in the face of inevitable separation. The poem's rich imagery and emotive language evoke a sense of longing and bittersweet resignation, culminating in a poignant reflection on the transient nature of human relationships.

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Robert Browning published his poem "A Woman's Last Word" in 1855. The poem is part of his collection "Men and Women."

Which poetic technique does Robert Browning use in this excerpt from and ldquoMy Last Duchess and?

Robert Browning uses dramatic monologue in "My Last Duchess" to reveal the character of the Duke through his own words and perspective. This technique allows for an exploration of the Duke's personality, motivations, and relationships with others through his speech.

Which poetic technique does Robert browning use in this excerpt your Last Duchess?

Robert Browning uses dramatic monologue in "My Last Duchess," where the speaker reveals his thoughts and feelings while addressing another character in the poem, creating tension and inviting the reader to interpret the underlying meaning of his words. This technique allows Browning to explore themes of power, control, and jealousy through the perspective of the Duke.

Who is the painter of duchess in poem my last duchess - robert?

The painter of the duchess in the poem "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning is never explicitly named. The poem suggests that the Duke of Ferrara commissioned the painting.

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righteous kill

Did Robert pattinson says that he is daing Kristen Stewart?

Robert in February of last year: "It can be very difficult, but we are together." Not sure if they still are.